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Moodle: Upgrading from Direct V1 to Direct V2

Turnitin will officially discontinue the Moodle Direct V1 plugin integration on August 31, 2024. After this date, the integration will be turned off. This means that past assignments and Similarity Reports will no longer be accessible from within your Moodle environment, no new assignments can be created, and copied assignments will no longer work. If your institution is using this integration, please consult this page for further guidance.

In this guide:

As part of Turnitin’s commitment to provide a smooth experience and efficient support level, we will be retiring the Moodle Direct V1 plugin on August 31, 2024. To ensure you have a seamless transition, please upgrade your experience to the Moodle Direct V2 or LTI 1.3 integrations depending on your workflow requirements.

You can find answers to some of the immediate questions below and support guidance under the Resources section.

For any additional assistance, please contact our Product Team via the discussion forum.

Addressing some of your immediate questions

Why move off the Moodle Direct V1 plugin?

We aim to provide access to the full suite of Turnitin’s features. For that reason, we have made a decision to officially retire the Direct V1 integration, which has not been supported in many years. Please also note, in following Moodle’s lead, we will support integrations in Moodle versions 4.1 and above only.

When is the end date for the Moodle Direct V1 plugin?

August 31, 2024 is the official end of date for this integration.

What will happen after the integration is discontinued?

After the integration is turned off, this plugin will stop functioning in your Moodle environment. If you have assignments that still use this integration, we advise you to convert them to Direct V2 assignments if possible. If that is not an option, we advise you to create new assignments using either the Direct V2 integration (if you have that installed already) or upgrade to the LTI 1.3 integration.

What is the difference between Moodle Direct V2 and LTI 1.3? Can an institution run both integrations at the same time?

These integrations are designed to work alongside each other and can be set up in the same Moodle environment if needed. For more information on similarities and differences, please view our Feedback Studio with Moodle comparison chart.

Please refer to this this admin FAQ document for more answers.

Why consider upgrading to Moodle LTI 1.3?

Going forward, we are focusing resources to advance the standard and intend for LTI 1.3 to be our integration framework for all major LMS platforms. By doing so, we can provide the desired experience to all Turnitin customers and deliver innovation faster.

These are just a few benefits that will come together with your upgrade to the LTI 1.3 experience:

  • Enhanced security and privacy: LTI 1.3 supports OAuth 2.0 and JWT tokens, ensuring a more secure exchange of student data between Moodle and Turnitin.
  • Improved assignment workflow: LTI 1.3 provides the ability for instructors to submit on behalf of students, an improved grade pass-back service, and a simplified assignment creation flow with automatically pre-populated Assignment Inbox with the students enrolled into the Course.
  • Access to comprehensive learning tools: With LTI 1.3, you gain access to the complete Feedback Studio functionality and newly released add-ons including AI-driven Paper to Digital that will enable instructors to grade handwritten assignments, grading and feedback toolkits, and more.
  • Access to assignment management tools: With LTI 1.3, you will have access to Turnitin's Assignment Copy tool (already available), which allows users to create new LTI 1.3 assignments based on old Direct V1 and Direct V2 assignments and Paper Lookup tool (due out later this year), which allows instructors to look up past Direct V1 assignments from within Moodle itself and download any associated reports including the original file as needed.
  • Efficient learning process: With Feedback Studio ​​LTI 1.3, your institution decreases the cost and time needed to integrate and maintain digital learning tools into an institution’s learning ecosystem.

At this point, we would recommend trying out the LTI 1.3 integration to see how streamlined the assignment workflow is. To install the integration, please proceed to our guide on Configuring Feedback Studio in Moodle LTI 1.3.

Resources and upgrade pathways

There are many choices available as you move away from Direct V1. Please refer to the options below for guidance.

Contact us

For any related questions, please contact our Product Team via the discussion forum.

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