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Creating a Similarity and Feedback assignment

  1. Access the class that the new assignment will be added to.
  2. Select Add Assignment.

    If you are using an LMS this step will depend on your LMS workflow.

  3. Fill in the assignment details:
    1. Title - The name of the assignment.
    2. Instructions - An optional space to provide a description or instructions for the assignment to your students.
    3. Max Grade - The maximum number of points that can be awarded to a submission.
    4. Start Date - The date that students will be able to begin submitting to the assignment.
    5. Due Date - The date of when students can no longer submit to the assignment. 
    6. Feedback Release Date - The date that any grading and feedback is visible to students. 
    7. Submit papers to - Submission repository options
    8. Enable PeerMark - Attach PeerMark to the assignment for student to peer review each other's work. 
  4. Further customize your assignment with optional settings relating to the Similarity Report and grading and feedback. 
  5. Select Submit

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