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Canvas: Upgrading from LTI 1.1 to 1.3

Move to Canvas LTI 1.3 with Confidence

Welcome to your central resource for migrating from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3 in Canvas. This page will guide you through every aspect of the migration process.

We suggest utilizing this page as a starting point, but should you have any questions, feel free to raise them on the Canvas discussion board.

Advantages of upgrading to LTI 1.3

If you're currently using LTI 1.1 within the Canvas environment, this move offers enhanced security measures and useful features like roster syncing, simplified assignment creation, and improved grade pass back services.

Tap into the LTI 1.3 Assignment experience

This web-based “self-guided tour” lets you navigate through the LTI 1.3 assignment creation functionality and experience the streamlined setup process.

Get started

Migration timelines

The timeline for migration is in your hands. With no immediate end-of-support dates for LTI 1.1, you have the flexibility to choose the right time for your institution. However, we recommend starting the migration process at your earliest convenience.

Watch these bite-sized webinar recordings to smoothly transition to LTI 1.3

Learn how to seamlessly transition from LTI 1.1 to 1.3, set up test/beta environments, and navigate an LTI 1.3 assignment workflow.

Also, be sure to check out the webinar FAQs to have your immediate questions addressed:

Session FAQs | June 2023

What’s new in LTI 1.3 and why use Assignment Copy Tool

Watch these short videos from our December 2023 session to find out more about the new and upcoming updates for the TFS LTI 1.3 experience and the way you can convert past LTI 1.1 assignments into LTI 1.3 assignments:

Explore the questions asked during the session and download the FAQs for offline use:

Session FAQs | December 2023


Explore the resources below to simplify the transition process:

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