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Configuring Originality, Similarity and SimCheck with Canvas Plagiarism Framework

In this guide:

  1. Before you begin
  2. Set up Turnitin in Canvas
  3. Change account-wide admin settings

Before you begin

This guidance is relevant to administrators who have a Turnitin Originality, Similarity or SimCheck license.

If you access Turnitin via a URL unique to your institution (for example:, you've found the correct guidance.

If you access Turnitin via or, check out our Canvas configuration guidance for Feedback Studio users.

Set up Turnitin in Canvas

If you change your Canvas environment URL after previously registering the Plagiarism Framework integration, the integration will break if your institution chooses to have Canvas automatically configure a domain redirect from the old URL to the new URL. For more information, please contact Canvas support.

  1. Log in to Canvas as an administrator.
  2. From the side of any page within Canvas, select the Admin tab.
  3. Select the account you'd like to configure with Turnitin.
  4. From the navigation on the left, select Settings.
  5. Select the Apps tab from the top of the page.
  6. Select the View App Configurations button.
  7. Select the + App button to open the Add App pop-up box.
  8. Change the Configuration Type to By LTI 2 Registration URL.
  9. Enter the following URL:
    • https://[your institution]
  10. Select the Launch Registration Tool button.
  11. Enter the email address and password associated with your Turnitin administrator account.

  12. Select Log in.

  13. Enter a name for your integration. We'd recommend choosing something memorable to make changing settings easier later on.
  14. Select the Confirm button to complete the configuration.
  15. To start using Turnitin, you must enable the app. Select Enable to continue. Once you've enabled the app, you can change some account-wide settings that will change which institutional data your instructors will have access to. 

Change account-wide admin settings

After you have initially set up your integration, there are several options that you can configure that will change how much data instructors from within your institution will have access to.

The following permissions impact how data can be shared across your institution. This data is the exclusive responsibility of your institution so when setting these permissions, consider whether they fully comply with your institution's policies regarding student records.

  1.  Log in to Canvas as an administrator.
  2. From the side of any page within Canvas, select the Admin tab.
  3. Select the account you'd like to configure.
  4. If your integration has been enabled for the account, you'll find a new setting option in the sub-menu to the left of the screen. You will see this as '[Name of your integration] Admin Settings'.
  5. Use the checkboxes to select viewer permissions that align best with your institution's privacy policy. 
    • Allow instructors within your institution to view the full text of submissions for internal matches allows instructors to view the full text of the submission automatically when a match occurs within the same institution.
    • Allow instructors within your institution to view submission information for internal matches reveals information about the matching paper when a match occurs within the same institution.
    • Save viewer changes determines whether any changes to the Similarity Report, such as excluding content, will be saved after closing the viewer. For example, if a similarity score reduces from 80% to 70% after excluding the bibliography, the filter will remain in place after closing the viewer and 70% will be the new score.
  6. Use the Update Settings button to save your changes.

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