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Configuring Originality, Similarity and SimCheck with D2L LTI 1.1

In this guide:

  1. Generate a key and secret
  2. Set up in D2L
  3. Add the LTI tool as an activity

Generate a key and secret

You must create a separate scope and key for every integration you create. If you have various environments in your organization, such as a development or sandbox environment, create an API key for each of them.

Give each scope a unique name to easily identify it at a later date i.e. 'University of Turnitin Sandbox'.

To set up your LTI integration, you will need to generate your key and secret. If your LMS uses terms other than "key" and "secret" for LTI configurations, see the information below with equivalent terms. Then, check out the quick steps for how to generate your keys and secrets.

  1. From the administrator area, select the Integrations tab. In this area, you'll find all of the current integrations active on the account.
  2. On the Integrations page, select the Generate LTI Scope button in the top right. A Generate new LTI Scope modal will pop up.
  3. In the modal, type the name you'd like to use to identify the Turnitin LTI tool in the Administrator settings page. Then, select Next. A Create API Key modal will appear.

Please note that the LTI scope and key names you pick in Steps 4 and 5 will only appear on your Administrator settings page, so you can use different names to identify the Turnitin LTI tool in your LMS, if you'd like.

  1. In the Create API Key modal, type the name you'd like to use to identify your Turnitin LTI tool key in the Administrator settings page. Then, select Create and View. Another modal will appear containing your new key and secret.

For your security, the secret will only be shown once. Be sure to copy and save your secret in a safe location.

  1. Now, with your new key and secret ready, log in to your LMS and proceed to the next section to finish configuring your Turnitin LTI tool.

Managing existing setups

You can create multiple keys for your scope. To create more keys, select Create New Key to the right of your scope.

Once your scope has a key or keys, you can view them by selecting the arrow to the left of your scope.

You can change the status of your key using the switch.

If you turn the status of your key to Off, then you will no longer be able to set up an integration with this key. Any existing integrations using this key will no longer work while this key remains disabled.

Select the trash can icon to permanently delete a key.

Once you have deleted your key you cannot restore it. Any integrations you have set up using this key will no longer work.

Set up in D2L

  1. Log in to D2L as an administrator.
  2. Select the gear icon to get to your Admin Tools.
  3. Select Remote Plugins. This will take you to the Manage Remote Plugins page.
  4. Select the New Remote Plugin button. This will take you to Create a new Remote Plugin page.
  5. Select Quicklink (CIM) from the Plugin Type dropdown.
  6. In the Name field, type the name for this tool that you would like displayed to users.
  7. Next, in the Launch Point section, enter the following URL:
    Be sure to replace the text in the brackets with your institution's tenant. See the tip below if you're unsure of your tenant.

In the custom URL your institution uses to log in to Turnitin, your tenant is the text that is after the "https://" and before "" For instance, if your URL is, your tenant is southwestern-place-university.

  1. In the LTI Key and LTI Secret fields, enter the key and secret that you created in Turnitin.

  2. For OAuth Signature Method, select HMAC-SHA1 from the dropdown.

  3. (Optional)Add a description and/or an icon for the tool if you'd like.

  4. Under Make available to, make sure to select the box(es) next to all relevant Org Units or select the Add Org Units button to add more.

  5. When you're happy with all your selections, select Save. Your LTI tool has been added as a remote plugin quicklink. Now, continue on to the next section of this guide to set up the tool as an activity that instructors or other admins can use when they create assignments.

Add the LTI tool as an activity

Make sure you've completed all the steps above to add the LTI tool to your LMS before starting the steps below.

  1. Select the gear icon to get to your Admin Tools.

  2. Select External Learning Tools. This will take you to a table of external tool links at your institution.

  3. Above the list, select Manage Tool Providers. This will switch you to a table of tool providers at your institution.

  4. Find the tool provider for the Turnitin LTI tool in the left column. Select the downward arrow next to it to reveal a dropdown. From the dropdown, select Edit Tool Provider. This will take you to the Edit Tool Provider page.

  5. On the Edit Tool Provider page under Security Settings, check the boxes next to Send LTI user ID and LTI role list to tool provider and Send context information to tool provider.

  6. Under Make tool provider available to make sure all relevant Org Units are selected or select the Add Org Units button to add more.

  7. When you're happy with all your selections, select Save and Close. Your Turnitin LTI tool is now visible as an Existing Activity for instructors or admins to use when creating assignments.

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