The class calendar allows student users to keep track of important dates for Turnitin class assignments. The Turnitin class calendar can also display announcements, class notes, or holidays posted by the instructor.
In this guide:
- Accessing the calendar
- Items in the calendar
- Viewing the calendar in list mode
- Accessing the class syllabus
Accessing the calendar
The class calendar page also contains a syllabus link that allows instructors to post an electronic version of their syllabus for easy student reference.
Each class will have its own unique Turnitin class calendar. The class calendar can be accessed from any page within the class using the calendar tab.
Items in the calendar
Assignments: assignments or peer reviews that the instructor creates are automatically added to the calendar. Select the assignment title to view the information on the assignment.
Notes: class notes uploaded by the instructor appear on the calendar. Select the note icon to view the note info in a new browser window.
Announcements: announcements posted by the instructor appear on the calendar with an announcement icon. Select the link beside the icon to view the announcement.
Holidays: holidays posted by the instructor appear on the calendar. All holidays on the calendar appear with a light blue highlight to the date.
Viewing the calendar in list mode
The calendar can also be viewed in list mode. The list mode will display all assignments and calendar entries in a list, one year at a time. To view the calendar in list mode the user must select the List button on the class calendar page.
To switch back to the calendar view, select the Calendar Mode button.
Accessing the class syllabus
If the instructor has uploaded a syllabus for the class, this can be viewed from the calendar page by selecting the Syllabus button.
The syllabus page will open and display the syllabus, if any, posted by the instructor.