- Navigate to the Moodle course you would like to add an assignment to.
- At the top-right of the screen, toggle Edit mode on.
- Under the General section, select the + Add an activity or resource button.
- Select the Activities tab. Choose the Activity you would like to use with Turnitin. Depending on what your Moodle administrator has allowed, Turnitin can be enabled for assignments as well as the following Activity types:
Use the links above to view information about creating each type of activity.
In Quizzes, Turnitin works only with Essay questions (at least 20 words).
- Under the General section, provide a name, description, instructions and additional files for your activity.
- Under the Availability section, set dates for the Allow submissions from and Due date settings. These dates act as the start and due dates for Turnitin.
- Under the Submission types section, you can set the accepted submission types and sizes for the assignment.
Even though Moodle allows for files greater than 100MB to be submitted, the limit for Turnitin is 100MB. As such, it is a best practice to limit the file size for Moodle assignments to 100MB or less in this area. View our guidance on file types and sizes for more information.
- Scroll down and expand the Turnitin Plagiarism plugin settings option.
Do you see Turnitin Integrity plugin settings here instead? If so, you can find relevant assignment settings in our sister article for Moodle Integrity Plugin users.
- The first setting Enable Turnitin may already be enabled depending on how your administrator has set up the integration. If you want to use Turnitin with the assignment, make sure this field is checked.
There are several other options within the Turnitin Plagiarism plugin settings that you can customize for each assignment. The defaults are set by your administrator, but feel free to change any that you need to.
To learn more about the plugin settings and what they do, open the accordion below.
Moodle Plagiarism plugin settings
- Display Similarity Reports to Students allows your students to view their Similarity Reports for submissions to the assignment.
- Allow submissions of any file type? will allow all file types, even those not supported for generating a Similarity Report.
Store student papers determines which Turnitin repositories will store the submissions.
- Standard repository: Submissions are stored in the global paper repository.
- Institutional repository: Submissions are stored in a repository which is only accessible by your institution.
- No repository: A Similarity Report will be generated for submissions, but submissions will not be stored in the standard repository or the institution’s repository for future comparison.
If you find that these settings are unavailable to you, please contact your administrator to request it to be enabled in the account settings. If your administrator finds that the setting is also unavailable to them, it is recommended that they speak to their Turnitin account manager.
Check against/compare options allow you to select the repositories that submissions will be checked against when processing Similarity Reports. The Similarity Score may decrease if a repository option is deselected.
Check against stored student papers
- This option compares current submissions to previous submissions in classes and assignments in Turnitin across institutions.
Check against internet
- This option compares current submissions to a repository of archived and live publicly available internet pages containing billions of pages of existing content and tens of thousands of new pages added daily.
Check against journals, periodicals and publications
- This option compares current submissions to third party periodical, journal, and publication content including many major professional journals, periodicals, and business publications.
Compare submitted files with papers submitted within this institution
- This option compares current submissions to the repository of submissions unique to your institution.
Check against stored student papers
Report generation speed determines the time between an upload and when a similarity report will be generated.
- Generates reports immediately (students cannot resubmit)
- Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date): After three resubmissions, reports will generate after 24 hours.
Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date)
However, when it comes to using Turnitin in Moodle assessments, the report generation speed is the only thing controlled by Turnitin as resubmissions are controlled entirely by Moodle. Those generation options are immediately or on the due date.
Generating the reports immediately is recommended when instructors want to use the Similarity Report as formative feedback. Similarity Reports will be generated immediately for each student's initial submission to this assignment. Students can check their work, make changes as necessary and resubmit the best version of their paper to the assignment.
- Students may resubmit as often as they wish until the assignment's due date.
- With resubmissions, all reports generated will be displayed to both instructors and the student.
- Collusion check will typically occur within an hour of the due date and time. This means that Similarity Reports will regenerate in order to compare student submissions against one another within the same assignment. In addition, it is possible that the report score will change after collusion check has occurred.
- Exclude bibliography automatically excludes bibliographies from the Similarity Reports. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
- Exclude quoted material excludes quotations from being checked for matches when generating Similarity Reports. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
- Exclude small matches excludes matches that are not of sufficient length (determined by you) from being considered when generating Similarity Reports. Once this setting has been checked, a box will appear where you can exclude matches by word count or by percentage. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
- Attach a rubric to this assignment allows you to attach a rubric to grade the submissions. You may use the rubric list dropdown menu to select a previously created or imported rubric, or you can launch the rubric manager by selecting the Launch Rubric Manager button to create a new rubric to attach to the assignment.
Using Turnitin rubrics is not an option for Forums as all grading is expected to be done via Moodle.
- Enable grammar checking using ETS e-rater technology provides instructors the option to enable the e-rater grammar and spelling check for all submissions to the assignment. When enabled student submissions receive detailed grammar feedback automatically through the e-rater technology.
- Enable Translated Matching enables the creation of a separate Similarity Report based on an English translation of a student’s non-English submitted paper. View our Translated Matching guidance for more information.
If this setting is unavailable, please contact your Turnitin administrator.
- Once you have filled everything out, select Save and return to course or Save and display. Your Turnitin assignment will appear in your assignment list.
When using Feedback Studio to grade and provide feedback, please note that there is no feedback release date. The students will be able to see their grades and feedback as soon as the instructor provides them if they launch the viewer. The instructor can hide the grade column in the Moodle gradebook, but that does not prevent the student from seeing the grade if they launch the viewer