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Writing a peer review as an instructor

In this guide:

Accessing the PeerMark reviews area

In cases where a student needs a peer review but one is not available, you can use this method to provide a peer review as a student. Instructors are provided with the same free response and scale question structure as the students.

First, navigate to the PeerMark Reviews area. The instructions are slightly different depending on which workflow you use. Use the tabs below to choose the workflow that most closely matches yours.

LTI 1.3 Moodle Direct V2 Turnitin Website

Navigate to the PeerMark Reviews area at the top of the Assignment Inbox.

  1. Select the blue pencil button to begin a new review.
  2. If you have already started a review, you can resume it by selecting the green pencil and paper button.

PeerMark will open, displaying the student's paper and a sidebar on the right with the review questions.

Using the tools palette

The PeerMark tools palette contains all the commenting features.

  1. To open the tools palette, select Tools on the PeerMark toolbar.

    The tools palette contains two commenting tools and several composition marks that can be used to review and edit a paper.

Adding bubble comments

  1. Select anywhere on the paper where you would like to leave a comment. Enter your comment into the text field.
  2. (Optional) If you'd like to attach your comment to a piece of text from the paper, you can select and drag over text while the bubble comment is open. The color of the highlight can be selected from the tools palette. Multiple highlights can be created for each comment if there are multiple areas to reference. Highlights may overlap.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Your comment is indicated by the bubble icon on the page. You can hover over or select this item to display the full comment.

    1. The bubble icon can be selected or dragged to be moved across the page.
    2. This comment can be edited or deleted at any time by selecting the bubble icon and then selecting Edit or Delete.

Adding inline comments

  1. Select the Type tool from the tools palette and select a color from the dropdown.
  2. Select on the paper where the comment should begin and type your comment.
  3. When finished, select elsewhere on the paper. The inline comment will appear as text directly on the paper.
  4. Inline comments can be selected or dragged to be moved across the page.
  5. This comment can be edited or deleted at any time by selecting it and then selecting Edit or Delete.

Adding composition marks

Composition Marks are standard editing marks that students can utilize when editing and reviewing their peers’ papers.

  1. To add a composition mark to a paper select the mark you want to add in the tools palette and drag the mark to the desired location on the paper.

    Composition mark symbols with yellow backgrounds on the palette are dynamic. These marks require further modification when added to a paper. Some of these marks are resizable using handles at the corners of the mark. Others allow for text to be added in a text field. This allows further customizing of these editing marks.

  2. Composition marks can be clicked or dragged to be moved across the page.
  3. To delete a mark, select the mark and then select the trash can icon.

Responding to PeerMark Questions

All the free response and scale questions that need to be completed for the peer review are located on the right side of the PeerMark screen.

  1. Use the sidebar on the right to respond to the review questions.
    1. To answer a free response question, select within the text box below the question and type in your response. The word minimum for the response is listed below the text box.
    2. To answer scale questions, select the radio button above the number for the rating you are giving this writer for the question.
  2. Answer all remaining free response and scale questions.
  3. When your review is complete, select Submit at the top right.
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