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Managing PeerMark questions and libraries

Within the PeerMark questions and libraries, you can add and remove questions from the question libraries. You can also copy and delete libraries.


Integrations Website

Adding PeerMark questions from the library

  1. Select the PeerMark Questions tab.
  2. Select Add from Library, and select the library you would like to add a question from.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select the questions you would like to add, or select Toggle All to select all questions.
  4. Select Add Selected Questions.

Saving PeerMark questions to a new or existing library

  1. Select the PeerMark Questions tab and create your questions.
  2. Select Save to Library at the top.
    1. To save to an existing library, select the library you would like to save to from the dropdown. Confirm that this will overwrite that existing library.

      This will automatically overwrite all of the PeerMark questions currently saved in this library.

  3. To save to a new library, select Add Library from the dropdown.
  4. Create a name for your library, and select Save to Library.
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