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Grade book for students

The Turnitin grade book allows an instructor to enter and calculate grades for students on assignments submitted to the instructor.

In this guide:

Accessing the grade book

The My Grades tab appears on the class portfolio page when this product is available.

The grade book can be used to track numeric grades, attendance, and notes as well as allowing students to graph their performance. To view any grades and attendance records or instructor notes visible in a specific class, open the class portfolio page and select the My Grades tab.


Viewing performance grades

A student user’s grade page will show the papers and reviews the student has submitted along with any grades that have been given by the instructor on these submissions. The number in the Points possible column shows the total number of points an assignment is worth. The number in the Points received column shows how many points the student received for the assignment. The score for the submission appears in the Grade column.


  • Grades only become available on the post date of an assignment.
  • The top of the grades page shows the overall class grade and the attendance.

Viewing instructor notes in the grade book

The instructor can enter a note alongside a grade for a submission. If the instructor entered a note for the submission, a note icon will appear next to the grade under the note column.

  1. Select the note icon to view the instructor note.
    • The full list of notes given to the student in a class can be viewed by selecting the Notes button.

Viewing all grades

The graphing tools allow a student to view their own performance and the class average performance in line graph or pie chart formats.

  1. The graphing tools are accessed by selecting the Graphs button in grade book.
  2. On the graphs page, use the drop-down menu to select the graph type to view.TFS_Student_GraphBookNotes.png
  3. Student users can select from the following graphs available in line or pie chart formats:
    • graphs showing class performance on all assignments
    • graphs showing student performance for all assignments
    • graphs comparing performance of this student to the class average

When viewing a line graph, a selection can be made to view grades as well as percentages.

  1. This is selected from the Show breakpoints as: drop-down menu.
  2. Selecting Grades adds the grades. The grades can be removed by selecting Percentages.

Printing grade book graphs

All of the graphs in the grade book are available in a printer friendly version.

  1. To print a grade book graph, select the Print View button.
  2. The print view for the graph will open in a new browser window.
  3. Once the print view is loaded, select the print this graph link or use the print command on the web browser.
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