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Creating an assignment in Feedback Studio using Moodle Direct V2

The Turnitin class end date will automatically be set to one month after the course end date in Moodle.

A Turnitin Moodle Direct assignment links an activity in Moodle to an assignment or assignments on Turnitin. Once linked, the activity allows instructors to assess and provide feedback to student's written work, using the assessment tools available within Turnitin's Viewer.

If the administrator did not enable course migration, a course was not migrated, and/or a Moodle course does not exist, instructors will need to contact their Moodle administrator.

Creating an assignment

  1. Navigate to the course you would like to add Turnitin to, and select Edit mode.
  2. Select Add an activity or resource and choose Turnitin Assignment 2 from the options.

Assignment options

  1. Enter your Turnitin Assignment Name and an optional assignment Summary. Check the box if you want this summary to display on the course page.
  2. Select the submission type for the assignment. You can restrict the submission type to File Upload or Text Submission or allow your students to choose their submission type by choosing Any Submission Type.
  3. Select the number of parts you would like the assignment to have from the Number of Parts dropdown menu. Each Turnitin assignment in Moodle Direct V2 can have multiple parts associated with it. The student must submit a file to each part to complete the assignment. By default, Moodle will create a one-part assignment.
  4. Select the Maximum File Size for submissions. Turnitin allows up to 2MB for a text only submission and 100MB for a text and graphic submission. The maximum file size can be adjusted in this setting.
  5. Choose whether to Enable Anonymous Marking. Student names may be revealed for an assignment by clicking on the anonymous marking enabled button to reveal the author's name for the paper. If a student's name is revealed when anonymous marking is enabled, an audit trail will be created and your Turnitin administrator will be able to see that audit trail. Revealing student names in any way cannot be undone.

If you find that this setting is unavailable to you, please contact your administrator to activate the anonymous marking feature in their account settings. You cannot enable anonymous marking after the start date of the assignment has passed.

In an effort to maintain anonymity, the student's grade will not appear in the grade book until the feedback release date has passed.

  1. Opt to allow or disallow any file type. By selecting Yes, submissions will be checked for originality where possible, submissions will be available for download and online grading feedback tools will be available where possible. By selecting No, only file types that allow originality reports to be generated will be accepted.
  2. The option to Display Similarity Reports to Students provides instructors with the ability to control whether students are allowed to view Similarity Reports within each created assignment. Select Yes to allow students to see the Similarity Report for the assignment.
  3. Opt to show student grades as fractions or percentages.
  4. To maintain synchronized data between Turnitin and Moodle, select Yes, automatically refresh originality scores and grades. Alternatively, select No, I will refresh originality scores and grades manually.
  5. Check Set these values as assignment defaults to save time when creating a Turnitin Assignment 2 in the future.

Entering grade information

  1. Select the type of grading for this activity:
    • If selecting point grading, enter the maximum points for this assignment. The default maximum points is 100.
    • Alternatively, if you opt for scale grading, select the scale from the dropdown list.
  2. If available, enter a grade category; this setting controls the category in which this assignment's grades are placed in the grade book.  Enter the minimum Grade to pass, which should be less than the maximum point value.

Creating an assignment part

  1. Enter the information for part one of your assignment: your assignment's name, start date, due date, post date, and the maximum marks available for this assignment part. The default maximum point is 100.
  2. If you have multiple parts to the assignment, enter in the necessary information for each part.

Similarity Report options

The Similarity Report Options have a significant impact on the score generated in each report. Please review the report settings before completing the setup of this assignment.

  1. Allow Submissions after the Due Date: Students have the option to submit work after the assignment due date. Late submissions are always marked as being late and the actual submission date is recorded.

This option only applies to students who have not submitted previously to the assignment.

  1. Select one of the following three options for Similarity Report Generation Speed:
    • Generate reports immediately (resubmissions are not allowed):
      • Similarity Reports for all submissions will be generated immediately. Students cannot resubmit papers. If, for any reason, a resubmission is required when this setting is selected, you must manually delete a student's submission from the assignment inbox to allow the student to submit again.
    • Generate reports immediately (resubmissions are allowed until due date):
      • This option is recommended when instructors want to use the Similarity Report as formative feedback. Similarity Reports will be generated immediately for each student's initial submission to this assignment.  Students can check their work, make changes as necessary and resubmit the best version of their paper to the assignment.
      • Students may resubmit as often as they wish until the assignment's due date.
      • Similarity Reports for a fourth or subsequent submission will generate after 24 hours of submission.
      • With resubmissions, only the latest submission's report will be available to both you and the student.
      • Similarity Reports will regenerate within an hour of the due date and time to allow student submissions to compare against one another within the same assignment also known as collusion check. Collusion check will occur within an hour of the due date and time. This means that Similarity Reports will regenerate in order to compare student submissions against one another within the same assignment. In addition, it is possible that the report score will change after collusion check has occurred.
      • This report regeneration may cause a change in a paper's similarity score. No resubmissions are allowed after the due date and time of the assignment.
    • Generate reports on due date (resubmissions are allowed until due date):
      • Similarity Reports will not be generated for any submission until the due date and time of the assignment is reached. Students may resubmit as many times as needed until the due date and time, but will not receive reports during this period. No resubmissions are allowed after the due date and time of the assignment.
  2. Choose to Store Student Papers or not.  These are the options:
    • Standard paper repository
      • Student papers are stored in the global paper repository.
    • Institution paper repository
      • Student papers are stored in an institutional repository.
    • Do not store the submitted papers
      • A similarity report will still be generated for paper submissions, but your students' papers will not be stored in the Turnitin standard paper repository or the institution's paper repository for future comparison.
  3. Choose to compare against the different repositories. The options are:
    • Standard paper repository: compares current submissions to previous submissions in classes and assignments in Turnitin across institutions.
    • Institution paper repository: compares current submissions to the repository of student papers unique to your institution.
    • Current and archived internet: compares current submissions to a repository of archived and live publicly available internet pages containing billions of pages of existing content and tens of thousands of new pages added daily.
    • Periodicals, journals, & publications: compares current submissions to third party periodical, journal, and publication content including many major professional journals, periodicals, and business publications.
  4. Turnitin can exclude certain elements of a paper from an Similarity Report to provide a more refined similarity score. You can opt to exclude the following from a Similarity Report:
    • Exclude bibliographic materials: Select the checkbox to exclude text appearing in the bibliography, works cited, or references sections of student papers from being checked for matches when generating Similarity Reports. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
    • Exclude quoted materials: Select the checkbox to exclude quotations from being checked for matches when generating Similarity Reports. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
    • Exclude small sources: Select the checkbox to exclude matches that are not of sufficient length (determined by you) from being considered when generating Similarity Reports. A box will appear, where you can exclude matches by word count or by percentage. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
  5. If enabled for this account, you can select whether a separate report will be generated based on English translations of a student's non-English submitted paper. Find out more about how to enable Translated Matching.

GradeMark Grading Options

GradeMark options allows you to attach a rubric to an assignment. You can do this by selecting a rubric from the dropdown list.


Alternatively, select Launch Rubric Manager to edit or create a rubric.

Moodle Groups

The Moodle functionality for managing groups and groupings of students within Moodle courses / activities is fully supported in Moodle Direct V2. You can find this under Common module settings.

Remember to Save

Select Save and return to course or Save and display to complete your assignment.

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