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Accessing the Similarity Report

These instructions are for users of the Turnitin website. If you are accessing Turnitin via a LMS, please see our LMS guidance.

A Similarity Report is generated for every submission according to your settings and stored in the assignment inbox within each class in your account. 

  1. First, access the main homepage by choosing the All Classes tab from the top of any page.
  2. Select the name of the class that contains the assignment you wish to view.
  3. Locate the assignment and select View under the Actions column to go to the assignment inbox.
  4. Under the Similarity column in the assignment inbox, you'll find icons indicating the similarity score and its corresponding color. Select the similarity percentage from the Similarity column to open the Similarity Report in a new window.

If the new window does not appear, you may need to add to the list of sites allowed to create pop-up windows on the web browser that you are using.

Similarity Reports that have not yet finished generating are represented by a grayed out icon in the Similarity column. Reports that are not available may not have generated yet, or assignment settings may be delaying the generation of the report.

Overwritten or resubmitted files may not generate a new Similarity Report for a full 24 hours. This delay is automatic and allows resubmissions to correctly generate without matching to the previous draft.

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