In this guide:
This article explains how the Similarity Report detects specific content when exclusions and filters are active.
Instructors: To learn how to exclude content from the report, check out our Managing exclusions and filters guide.
Students: To learn how to exclude content from the report, check out our Using exclusions and filters guide.
Exclude Quotes
Supported marks
When the Exclude Quotes filter is active, the report will ignore any matches that use the following quotation marks (as well as quotations within a quotation):
"..." | '...' | «...» | »...« | „…“ | 《...》 | 〈...〉 | 『...』 |
If single quotes have not been excluded in a submission, it is possible that the word processor used to create the file has labeled the quotes as an apostrophe and will need to be manually excluded. This should not happen with Google, Microsoft, or Apple word processors.
Block quotations
The report will exclude indented blocks of text ( block quotations) when the original file is a .doc or .docx file.
Excluding Citations
The report looks for common in-line citation methods and omits them from the list of matches. Both the citation and associated text will be excluded. For quoted text, anything inside the quotes will be filtered out of the Similarity Report. For unquoted citations, the associated sentence will be filtered.
In the rare event that citation and reference detection is not working at the time of submission, the report defaults to header-based exclusion. Resubmit your paper at a later time to take advantage of our machine-learning exclusions.
Exclude Bibliography
For submissions written in English, a machine-learning algorithm detects bibliographic reference materials when Exclude Bibliography filter is active. For submissions written in languages other than English, common beginning and terminating phrases are detected to exclude a section dedicated to references.
Beginning and terminating phrases are used as a fallback in the rare event our algorithm is unavailable at the time of submission. If you are still getting bibliographic matches, try resubmitting at a later date to take advantage of the advanced exclusion option.
Beginning phrases
These words and phrases will signal the start of a reference section in a submission and begin excluding the content that follows.
Terminating phrases
If one of the words below appears after a detected list of references, the similarity check will resume.