In this guide:
- Submission settings
- Similarity Report settings
- Compare against
- Exclude assignment template
- Additional settings
Don't have access to some of the listed settings? If a setting listed in this guide is not visible to you, it may be because your institution's license does not include that feature. Reach out to administrator to learn more about your Turnitin license type.
When creating or editing an assignment, you can further customise your assignment with the optional settings. These settings allow you to alter the submission, similarity, and grading settings to better suit your assignment's needs.
Submission settings
Submit papers to
Select which Turnitin repositories students' submissions will be checked against when processing Similarity Reports for submissions. This allows an instructor to disregard a source type if the comparison against this type of source is not needed. The Similarity Score may decrease if a repository option is deselected.
Standard paper repository
- Submissions are stored in the global Turnitin repository.
Institution paper repository
- Submissions are stored in a repository which is only accessible by your institution.
Do not store the submitted papers
- A Similarity Report will be generated for submissions, but submissions will not be stored in the standard repository or the institution’s repository for future comparison.
If you find that this setting is unavailable to you, please contact your administrator to request it to be enabled in their account settings. If your administrator subsequently finds that the setting is also unavailable to them, it is recommended that they speak to their Turnitin account manager.
Allow submissions of any file type
Allow all file types, even those which are not supported by Turnitin and therefore cannot generate a Similarity Report.
Allow late submissions
Allow late submissions to the assignment. When enabled, students will be able to submit papers after the due date.
This setting only applies to students who have not submitted previously to the assignment.
Enable anonymous marking
This setting hides student names within the Assignment Inbox, Similarity Report and online grading until the assignment's feedback release date has passed. Student names may be revealed by selecting the anonymous marking enabled button to reveal the author's name for the paper.
If a student's name is revealed when anonymous marking is enabled, an audit trail will be created for your Turnitin administrator. Revealing student names in any way cannot be undone.
In an effort to maintain anonymity, the student's grade will not appear in the grade book until the feedback release date has passed.
If you find that this setting is unavailable to you, please contact your administrator to activate the anonymous marking feature in their account settings. You cannot enable anonymous marking after the start date of the assignment has passed.
Attach a rubric
This setting applies a rubric to the assignment. If you would like to use a previously created or imported rubric to grade the papers submitted to the assignment, you may use the rubric list dropdown menu to select one. To create a new rubric, select the Launch Rubric Manager button and create a new rubric to attach to the assignment.
Similarity Report settings
Generate Similarity Reports for student submission
This setting enables the generation of Similarity Reports for student submission. Once checked, a dropdown menu will appear with additional options as outlined below.
Generate reports immediately (students cannot submit)
- Similarity Reports for all submissions will be generated immediately. Students cannot resubmit papers. If, for any reason, a resubmission is required when this setting is selected, you must manually delete a student's submission from the Assignment Inbox to allow the student to submit again.
Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date)
- This option is recommended when instructors want to use the Similarity Report as formative feedback. Similarity Reports will be generated immediately for each student's initial submission to this assignment. Students can check their work, make changes as necessary and resubmit the best version of their paper to the assignment.
- Students may resubmit as often as they wish until the assignment's due date.
- Similarity Reports for a fourth or subsequent submission will be generated after 24 hours of submission.
- With resubmissions, only the latest submission's report will be available to both you and the student.
- Similarity Reports will regenerate within an hour of the due date and time to allow student submissions to compare against one another within the same assignment also known as a collusion check. A collusion check will typically occur within an hour of the due date and time. This means that Similarity Reports will regenerate in order to compare student submissions against one another within the same assignment. In addition, it is possible that the report score will change after a collusion check has occurred.
- This report regeneration may cause a change in a paper's Similarity Score. No resubmissions are allowed after the due date and time of the assignment.
- This option is recommended when instructors want to use the Similarity Report as formative feedback. Similarity Reports will be generated immediately for each student's initial submission to this assignment. Students can check their work, make changes as necessary and resubmit the best version of their paper to the assignment.
Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date)
- Similarity Reports will not be generated for any submission until the due date and time of the assignment is reached. Students may resubmit as many times as needed until the due date and time, but will not receive reports during this period. No resubmissions are allowed after the due date and time of the assignment.
Enable Translated Matching
This setting enables the creation of a separate Similarity Report based on an English translation of a student’s non-English submitted paper. View our Translated Matching guidance for more information.
If this setting is unavailable, please contact your Turnitin administrator.
Allow students to view Similarity Reports
This setting allows students to view their Similarity Reports for submissions to this assignment.
This setting only pertains to the similarity score aspect of the report. Use this setting if you want your students to see their grading and feedback but not their similarity score.
Exclude bibliographic materials
This setting excludes text that appears in the bibliography, works cited, or references sections of student papers from being checked for matches when generating Similarity Reports. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
Exclude quoted materials
This setting excludes quotations from being checked for matches when generating Similarity Reports. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
Exclude small sources
This setting excludes matches that are not of sufficient length (determined by you) from being considered when generating Similarity Reports. Once this setting has been checked, a box will appear where you can exclude matches by word count or by percentage. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.
Compare against
These options allow you to select the repositories that students' submissions will be checked against when processing Similarity Reports. The Similarity Score may decrease if a repository option is deselected.
Student paper repository
- This option compares current submissions to previous submissions in classes and assignments in Turnitin across institutions.
Institution paper repository
- This option compares current submissions to the repository of student papers unique to your institution.
Current and archived internet
- This option compares current submissions to a repository of archived and live publicly available internet pages containing billions of pages of existing content and tens of thousands of new pages added daily.
Periodicals, journals, & publications
- This option compares current submissions to third party periodical, journal, and publication content including many major professional journals, periodicals, and business publications.
Exclude assignment template
If you have provided a template document for your students to follow, these can be excluded from the Similarity Report by uploading the template or copying the text into the Create Custom Template field. Once a student has made a submission to the assignment, this feature can no longer be edited. View our template exclusion guidance for more information.
There are some requirements which must be met for a successful template exclusion:
- Uploaded file templates must be less than 100 MB. If your file exceeds 100 MB, you can reduce its size by removing any images or save the file as a rich text or plain text file. You could also copy the text from the file and paste it into the Create Custom Template text box.
- Templates must have at least 20 words of text.
- Accepted file types for upload: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), and plain text.
Additional settings
Save these settings for future use
The option saves the above assignment settings as defaults for the creation of future assignments.
When you are completed with your changes, select the blue Submit button to save your changes.