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Assignment types

Similarity and Feedback

A submission made to this assignment type in Turnitin generates a Similarity Report. The Similarity Report is the result of comparison between the text of the submission against the search targets selected for the assignment; this may include billions of pages of active and archived internet information, a repository of works previously submitted to Turnitin, and a repository of tens of thousands of periodicals, journals, and publications. Any matching or highly similar text discovered is detailed in the Similarity Report that is available in the assignment inbox.

The similarity score is a percentage of a paper's content that matches Turnitin's databases; it is not an assessment of whether the paper includes plagiarized material.

Within the report, Turnitin also surfaces integrity checks. These include flags of academic misconduct, document details, and, depending on license type, AI writing detection.

Users will also be able to provide feedback on submissions using various grading and feedback tools such as on paper comments, voice comments, QuickMarks, and Rubrics.

Handwritten Assignments

This assignment type is for paper-based, short answer exams or assignments. It allows instructors to scan and digitize paper-based work for online grading. Students do not submit to this assignment, the instructor uploads the work on behalf of the student and then grades the digitized submissions with AI-assistance. Once all submissions have been graded, the instructor will publish the grades.

Similarity and integrity checks are not available with this assignment type.

With handwritten assignments, you’ll grade question by question for all submissions instead of grading one student’s entire submission and moving on to the next submission.

The following question types are supported:

  • Multiple choice - The multiple choice question type is for questions where students fill in bubbles or check squares.
  • Fill in the blank - This question type can be used for both math and text questions and are for questions that will have answers with English-language text and/or of math notation.

‘Multiple choice’ and ‘fill in the blank’ question types can utilize AI-assisted answer grouping for faster grading.

  • Other - The other question type is for questions that would contain open responses, diagrams, chemical equations and structures, and maps.

Handwritten assignments launch in our ‘Paper to Digital’ application. Within the application, you will be able to upload submissions, do the grading and feedback work, as well as keep a record of student grades for the assignment. Students will view their graded submissions within this application as well.

Grade syncing and passback is only available with LMS’s at this time; grades cannot be synced to the Turnitin Feedback Studio gradebook.

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