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Copying an assignment in the Turnitin website

When using assignments from the Turnitin website, an instructor can copy assignments from one class to another. 

Using an LMS? This copying method will not work for LMS users. 

  1. Log into Turnitin and select the name of the class you would like to copy an assignment into. 
  2. Select the Libraries tab inside the class. 

    Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 14.03.48.png

  3. Using the assignment set drop-down, select a class to copy assignments from. 
  4. A list of the assignments within that class will appear. Select the checkbox of each assignment that is to be copied. 
  5. Select Import. 
  6. For each copied assignment, you will be able to either keep the same assignment dates or create new ones.  
  7. Select Submit.
  8. The copied assignments will now be listed within your class. 
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