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Viewing multiple sources matched to the same text in the new Similarity Report

It is possible that similar text can be found within multiple sources. When text is similar to more than one source, whichever source has the most matched words will display first. 

When multiple sources are found matching the same exact words, the report will prioritize sources as best match, or top source, in this order:

  1. Submitted works (student papers)
  2. Publications
  3. Internet

This guide is applicable when viewing source cards in the Match Groups tab and the Sources tab with the Show overlapping sources option turned off.

Viewing other sources matched to the same text

When there are overlapping sources matched to the same text, you will have a View other sources option at the bottom of the source card for that match:

  1. Selecting View other sources will expand a list of all overlapping sources matched to the same text in the submission, with the current top source at the top of the list. To close the list, select Hide other sources.

  2. Selecting another source from this list will display a snippet of that source’s text where the match was found and the number of words matched.
  3. If an overlapping source is matched to more text in the submission, use the arrows above the snippet to preview the rest of the matches to that particular source.

Excluding the current top source

  1. Selecting the Exclude Source button at the top right-hand corner of the source card will exclude the top source matched to that text.
  2. When multiple sources are matched to the same text, the next source in the View other sources list will replace the source you just excluded. 
  3. The previous top source will appear in the Exclusions list.

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