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Adding the Turnitin tab to Microsoft Teams Feedback Studio

In Microsoft Teams, you will access Turnitin through a tab you add to the General channel of your Team. When you open this tab, you'll be taken to the Turnitin assignment list where you can create a new assignment or open any existing assignments you've already created.

  1. Navigate to the General channel for your Team and select the plus + icon to start adding the tab.
  2. Use the search or navigate through the list to find the Turnitin (Early Access) option.
  3. You'll be shown a confirmation screen. If you've added a tab before, you can proceed with the Save button.

If this is your first time adding a tab, select the Authorize button. You'll be asked to log in to Turnitin. Use your ordinary Turnitin credentials to link Microsoft Teams to your account.

  1. Use the Save button to finish adding the tab.

You can now create your first assignment.

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