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Submitting to an assignment using Moodle Plagiarism/Integrity Plugin

Use the tabs below to locate instructions for submitting to your Moodle activity.

Assignment Forum Quiz Workshop

Submit to an assignment

  1. Navigate to your course within Moodle.
  2. Select the title of the assignment you would like to submit to.
  3. Select the Add Submission button.
  4. If this is your first time submitting an assignment, you may need to accept our End User License Agreement in order to successfully submit.
  5. In the Add Submission section, select the paper icon to open the File Picker and proceed to step 6, or drag the file into the boxed area and skip to step 8.
  6. A modal will appear that allows you to choose from recent files or upload a new file. Use the Choose file button to upload the file.
  7. Select the Upload this file button.
  8. Select the Save changes button to submit your file.

Upon completion, you will see a badge that reflects your upload was successfully submitted.

For instructions on viewing your Similarity Report, view our Viewing your Similarity Report in Moodle Plagiarism/Integrity Plugin guidance.

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