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Adding a TA to a master class section

After creating a master class, instructors can add a class section and assign a Teaching Assistant (TA) to manage that section. A single TA may have multiple class sections assigned to them. However, you can only assign one TA to each section.

Before you can assign a TA to a class section, they must first have an instructor profile on the account that contains the master class. As a security measure, administrators must add a TA to the account as an instructor..

To begin the two-step process, select the + Section link to the right of the name of the master class.


Step 1 - TA information

  1. First, enter some basic details for the Teaching Assistant for the new section:

    • TA’s first name

    • TA’s last name

    • TA’s email address associated with their instructor profile


  2. Use the Submit button to continue to the next step.

Step 2 - Section information

  1. Next, enter the required section information:

    • A name or number for the section

    • A section enrollment key (students use this key to join the class section, as they would a primary class)


    Only the primary master class instructor and the TA will be able to edit and manage this class section, including viewing any submitted files or generated similarity reports.

  2. Use the Submit button to complete step 2 and add the section to the master class. The assigned TA will receive an email from Turnitin welcoming them to the class.

Each new section will appear on the primary master class instructor’s homepage, nested beneath the master class with the TA’s name in parentheses. However, the TA will only see the class section(s) assigned to them on their homepage.

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