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Converting classes

Converting a standard class to a master class

An existing standard class can also be converted to a master class. The assignments and any papers, students, and grade information in the standard class are placed in an automatically created section of the master class.

  1. To convert a standard class into a master class, select the cog icon in the Edit column of the class you'd like to convert.
  2. Ensure the correct class is being converted by checking the class name. To convert the class immediately into a master/section class, select the convert to master class button at the bottom of the page.
  3. Any existing students, papers, grades, and assignments from the standard class are moved to a newly created section beneath the new master class. To access the existing information, select the name of the section.
  4. You are automatically assigned as the TA of the converted class as the primary master class instructor. To change the TA of this section select the cog icon besides the class section. You can change the details on the TA Information page to allow someone else to manage the class section.

Reverting a master class into a standard class

If a master class is no longer needed, the primary instructor can revert it into a standard class, taking ownership of assignments from the section.

  1. To revert a master class into a standard class, select the cog icon in the Edit column of the class you'd like to revert.
  2. While on the settings page, use the Collapse to Standard Class button.

    The Collapse to Standard Class button will only appear if there is one section attached to the master class. If there are no sections or more than one, this class cannot be reverted into a standard class.

  3. The master class has now been collapsed into a standard class. All assignments from the section will now appear within the standard class.

    The Teaching Assistant will no longer have access to the assignments that were once held within the section.

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