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Class calendar

The class calendar allows users to keep track of important dates for Turnitin class assignments. The Turnitin class calendar can also display announcements, class notes, or holidays posted by the instructor. 

Also on the class calendar page is a syllabus link that allows instructors to post an electronic version of their syllabus for easy student reference.

Viewing the class calendar 

Each class will have its own unique Turnitin class calendar. The class calendar can be accessed from any page within the class by selecting the the Calendar tab.


When the calendar opens it will display the current month and year. The instructor can move between months of the year by selecting the desired month from the tabs along the top of the calendar.

To change the year view, use the year drop down menu to select a year to view.

Adding class notes

Class notes uploaded to the calendar are accessible to students enrolled in a class. The instructor can add a single set of notes to a calendar date or can upload notes for multiple dates using the bulk upload feature.

  1. Select the date on the calendar for the day the note pertains to.
  2. From the calendar entry page, select Browse... to select a note document to upload. Accepted file types are Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, RTF, PDF, plain text, and HTML.
  3. Select submit to upload the note to the class calendar.

    A notes icon will appear on the appropriate date on the class calendar for each set of notes that were submitted. To display a note, select the note pad icon for a date.

Adding announcements

Announcements can be added to the class calendar by the instructor. Students will see an announcement icon and be able to view the announcement by clicking on the icon after the student accesses the class calendar page for the class.

  1. Select the date on the calendar for the day the announcement pertains to.
    TFS_Instructor_Calender_SelectDate (1).png
  2. On the calendar entry page, enter a title and additional information for the announcement.
  3. Select submit to add the announcement to the class calendar.

    An announcement icon will appear on the class calendar along with a linked announcement title. Students or the instructor can view the full announcement detail by clicking on the link.

    To delete an existing announcement, select the date of the announcement. The screen will display all announcements that have been added to the selected date.

    To delete an announcement select the red x icon to the right of the announcement.

Adding holidays

From the entry page, holidays can be added to the class calendar. If the class does not meet on a specified holiday, it can be designated as a day off.

  1. Select the date on the calendar for the day the holiday pertains to.
    TFS_Instructor_Calender_SelectDate (1).png
  2. On the calendar entry page, enter a name for the holiday in the holiday field.
  3. Select submit to save the holiday onto the calendar.
  4. The name for the holiday will appear on the class calendar and the day will be given a light blue highlight for emphasis.

Viewing assignment dates

Assignments and peer reviews created by an instructor automatically become part of the class calendar. A link appears for each assignment’s date. The link displays the assignment or peer review title. To view a summary of an assignment or review, select the assignment or review title on the class calendar.

Uploading a syllabus

If a class syllabus has been written, an instructor can upload it to the class calendar. Students can view and download the syllabus from the student view of the class calendar.

  1. Select the syllabus button on the class calendar page.
  2. From the syllabus page click the Browse button and locate the file to upload. Accepted file types are Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, RTF, PDF, plain text, and HTML.
  3. Select submit to add the document as the class syllabus.

    The syllabus will be posted to the syllabus page. If another syllabus is posted it will replace and overwrite the current syllabus. Only a single document at a time will be available on the class syllabus page.

Viewing the calendar in list mode

The calendar can also be viewed in list mode. The list mode displays all assignments and entries for the current calendar year. Dates that do not have assignments or entries are excluded from the list.

To switch to the calendar list, select the list button on the calendar.

The calendar list mode works similarly to the calendar mode. Any item can be viewed by selecting it. To update an item, select the update icon to the right of the item.

To switch back to the calendar view, select the calendar mode button.

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