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Setting up a new account

Administrator Instructor & TA Student


You will receive a welcome email from Turnitin once your institution's account has been created and is ready to use. 

Don't have an email? Check your junk or spam folders before reaching out to your Turnitin account manager. 

  1. Log in to your email account and locate your welcome email from Turnitin. 
  2. Select Set up account to get started.
  3. Enter your email address and last name.
  4. Select Next. We will send you another email to validate your account and allow you to create a password. The link within this email will remain active for 24 hours for security purposes. 
  5. Access the second email and select Create password
  6. Enter and confirm a password. Your password must:
    1. have a minimum for 12 characters
    2. include at least one number
    3. include upper and lower case letters
    4. include at least one special character 
  7. Select Create Password.
  8. Now you can log in to your new account. 
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