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Managing your student limit

Your institution is licensed for a set number of active student users. Students are identified by their email address and we define an 'active student' as a student who is currently enrolled in an active class. Once your account has reached it's student limit no new students will be allowed to join your school's account, meaning they will be unable to submit papers. 

If a student has enrolled to classes using multiple email addresses, they will be counted as more than one student. 

Viewing your student limit

  1. Access your administrator account.
  2. Select the account name.
  3. You will be taken to the account status page which details the:
    1. account's student limit 
    2. number of active students
    3. number of active students in all accounts, if you have more than one
    4. number of available spaces for enrollment


For more detail on the students enrolled to your institutional account, download your student list.

Download your student list

Your student list details all students' account information as well as their enrollment details, which include:

  • institutional account details
  • student ID, full name, and email address
  • active class ID
  • instructor full name and email address

To download your student list:

  1. Access your administrator homepage.
  2. Select the edit icon for your account


  3. Select the Download all student list option.
  4. You will be prompted to download a .XLS file which will contain your student list. 

For accounts with more than 12,000 students, a CSV file will be provided instead of the usual XLS file.

Reducing your active student number

It is possible that the registered number of active students for your account is different, or higher, than you expect or have recorded elsewhere. Reasons for that are:

  • students may have enrolled using multiple email addresses
  • classes that are no longer in use from previous terms may not have been expired in Turnitin

If students have made submissions using multiple email addresses, they can request that our Technical Support team merge their accounts into one. They will be asked to prove that they are the owner of all email addresses before the merge can be done.

If students have not submitted but are enrolled using multiple email addresses, instructors can drop the duplicate accounts from their class's student list. 

Instructors can edit the class end date by accessing the class settings from their homepage. 


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