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Managing anonymous marking

In this guide:

Anonymous marking masks any identifiable student personal information (name, email address, and student ID) from appearing anywhere within the assignment workflow, including while grading student submissions. 

If an instructor identifies collusion in a paper at any point during marking, they will have the ability to reveal the student's name. If a student's name has been revealed an audit trail will be created, and the administrator will receive a notification. You will also receive the instructor's reason for unveiling a student's name in order for any issues to be properly investigated.

Enabling anonymous marking

To enable or disable anonymous marking for your institution:

  1. From the main Accounts homepage, select the settings gear icon and then Edit account settings.
  2. You will be directed to the Modify Account page. Scroll through the options until you reach the Anonymous marking checkbox. Select this checkbox to enable anonymous marking.
  1. Select the Submit button to save these changes.

Anonymous Marking can only be enabled or disabled from the parent account and cannot be edited on an individual sub-account basis.

Viewing the audit trail

  1. To view the list of students for which Anonymous Marking has been turned off, you must log into or (UK users only).
  2. Select the green checkmark icon from the Anonymous Marking column on the main Accounts homepage.
  1. You will be directed to the Anonymous Marking page, detailing all anonymous marking deactivations. This page will list the assignment instructor's name, student's name, paper ID, the date that the anonymous marking was turned off, and the reason for it being turned off. You can also download this information for your own records by selecting the Export button in the top right corner of the page.
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