In this guide:
Filtering statistics
On your Administrator home page, select Statistics from the side menu.
Administrators have the ability to filter the statistics for their account by five metrics. You can filter the results by Licenses and Data source. Once these have been selected, you can further filter the results by Dates.
Use the Licenses dropdown to select the product you would like to view statistics for. You will only be able to see products your institution has a license for.
Data source
Use the Data source dropdown to select the source of the data you would like to view statistics for. This will be the access path that your users come through to use your account. If you use our services through the web browser, select Native. Any integrations, either API or LTI, that have been created will also be available to be filtered by. Alternatively, you may select All to see both web-based and integration data.
Specifying a date range
Select the currently chosen date range to pick a new one.
Use the calendars to select a date range you would like to view statistics for.
Once you’ve selected the date range you would like to view, select the Apply button to confirm your choice. The data you are viewing will automatically update.
With your license, data source and date range set, now select the type of statistics you'd like to see on the Statistics page.
Submission details
- After setting your license type, data source, and date range set, select the Details tab.
- Once you select the Details tab, the details of all the submissions to your account within the set date range will be shown.
Scroll right to see all the details available.
The details shown include:
Author first name
Author last name
User first name
User last name
User email
Integration name
Folder name
Date processed
Word count
Similarity score
File type
To export the results of these statistics as .CSV or .MLSX files to view offline, select the Export button to the right of the screen and chose the file type you wish to receive the report in. The report can contain a maximum of 1048576 rows. If your file exceeds this amount of rows then the export will fail.
The report will take a moment to export.
Once the report has been exported into the file type of your choice, select the download link provided at the bottom of the screen to download the file to your device.
- After setting your license type, data source, and date range set, select your license, data source, and date range set, select the Submissions tab.
- Once you select the Submissions tab, the Submissions chart will appear. This chart is a visual representation of submissions that successfully generated a similarity report during your specified date range.
- To view the number of submissions your institution made to Turnitin on a specific day, hover and move your mouse over the data line to see pop-ups with specific submission numbers that correlate to the dates listed along the bottom of the chart.
Usage activity
- After setting your license type, data source, and date range set, select your license, data source, and date range set, select the Usage Activity tab.
Once you select the Usage Activity tab, the Usage Activity chart will appear. This chart is a visual representation of users who were active on your account during your specified date range.
An 'Active User' is counted when any user on the account uploads a file during the specified period.
- To view the number of active users at your organization on a specific day, hover and move your mouse over the data line to see pop-ups with users numbers that correlate to the dates listed along the bottom of the chart.
Similarity Report
- After setting your license type, data source, and date range set, select your license type, data source, and date range set, select the Similarity Report tab.
- Once you select the Similarity Report tab, the Similarity Report chart will appear. This chart is a visual representation of similarity ranges found for documents submitted to the account during the specified dates.
To view the number of your organization's Turnitin submissions that fell within similarity score range on a certain day, hover and move your mouse over the data line. Pop-ups will appear listing the submission numbers for each score range that correlate to the dates listed along the bottom of the chart.
Light blue: 0% matching text Dark blue: 1-24% matching text Yellow: 25-49% matching text Orange: 50-74% matching text Red: 75-100% matching text