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Customizing account settings for Similarity and SimCheck

In this guide:

As the account administrator, you have the ability to customize your institution's Turnitin experience using account-wide settings. 

To access your account settings:

  1. Access the home page of your administrator account. 
  2. Select Settings from the left side navigation. 
  3. The account-wide settings are categorized into tabs for general and product-specific settings. 
  4. Select Save after making any edits to the settings. 

Similarity Report features and settings

Search repositories

Customize the repositories that users can choose to compare submissions to when creating their folders. 

  • Internet - A repository of web pages that Turnitin's "web crawler" actively archives.
  • Publications - Turnitin partners with leading content publishers to create a robust collection of articles from library databases, textbook publishers, digital reference collections, subscription-based publications, homework helper sites, and books.
  • Crossref - A repository is a collection of published scholarly works.
  • Crossref posted content - A collection of scholarly works that have been submitted but not yet published.
  • Submitted works - Files that have previously submitted to your institution's private repository, private group repository, or Turnitin's repository. 

New Similarity Report experience

A new Similarity Report view is available, and institutions can begin the transition to the enhanced report experience. Administrators have the ability to: 

  1. Make the new, enhanced Similarity Report experience the only version of the report viewer instructors and students can use.
  2. Enable the new Similarity Report experience as optional for instructors. This will allow instructors to switch between classic and new report views. Students will still only use the classic report view.
  3. Opt out of the new Similarity Report experience. This will disable the new report completely for all users.

On August 8th, the new, enhanced Similarity Report will become the default view for all customers without a Turnitin Feedback Studio license. If you’re not ready to transition, you can opt out at any time in your admin account settings.

View our Enhanced Similarity Report instructor guides to learn more about how to use the new view.

Document details (Turnitin Originality only)

Document details appears as part of the side panel within the Similarity Report and will provide insights on a file’s metadata, as well as images and spelling usage. To learn more about document details, check out our instructor guidance. 

AI writing

AI writing detection appears as part of the side panel within the Similarity Report and is designed to help educators identify text that might be prepared by a generative AI tool. 

AI writing detection is enabled by default. 

To learn more about AI writing detection, check out our instructor guidance. 

Data storage and repository settings

Submission indexing

Manage the repository options the users in your account have access to for their folder settings. 

  • Index all submissions - All submissions will be indexed in the account's private repository and will be available for comparison in Similarity Reports by other users within your organization. Depending on your license type, choosing this setting will also add submissions from your institution to Turnitin's submitted works repository, which allows users outside of your organization to check for similarities between their submissions and submissions from your organization.
  • Allow users to choose - When creating a folder, users can decide whether to index all submissions made to the folder to the account's repository and, depending on your organization’s license, to Turnitin's submitted works repository.
  • Don't index any submissions - No submissions will be indexed to the private repository or Turnitin's submitted works repository, and will not be available for comparison in Similarity Reports.

Source text visibility

If two user submissions match against each other, you are able manage the privacy of your user's submissions. There are two scenarios for matching submissions:

  • Users within your institution matching to each other 
  • A user from an external institution matching to your user's submission

For matches within your account, you can enable or disable the ability for users to automatically view the full text of the matching submission for a submission made to a folder they do not own. 


Paper match details

For matches to submissions within your account, you can enable or disable the ability for users to view the details of the matching submission which was made to a folder they do not own. 

When enabled, the details shown will include:

  • The name of the user who made the submission
  • The upload date
  • The folder title
  • The file (submission) title

Account and folder features and settings

Organization's account language

Language settings will only affect users within your web-based Turnitin instance. The settings on this page will have no affect on users in your LMS.

This setting will change the language for all users in your account.

When your organization's account is created by Turnitin, we will set a default language for your account. Turnitin currently supports English, Danish, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Swedish.

Direct submissions

Direct submissions allow folders to be designated as 'submission folders'. A submission folder will be assigned a unique link that can be used by any user to submit to Turnitin - even if they don't have a Turnitin account. These users will not receive a Similarity Report, but reports will be available to the creator of the folder.

Direct submissions using this method are not available to administrator, instructors, or other users who access Turnitin using the LTI tool or LMS integration.


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