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Known issues

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Feedback Studio/Originality Check Similarity/SimCheck Originality Draft Coach Resolved

Feedback Studio/Originality Check Known Issues as of: 20 November 2024

Assignments set to only allow supported files may throw an error for submissions containing Arabic

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Assignments set to only allow supported files may throw an error for some submissions containing Arabic, even when the file type is supported.

Workaround: Ensure assignment settings are set to "allow any file" before submitting to generate a Similarity Check for the submitted file.

Old paper deletion requests reappearing as “pending”

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have received reports that some administrators may find previously approved paper deletion requests reappearing as “pending” within their deletion requests queue.

Administrators do not need to re-delete these submissions and will encounter an error explaining that the submission has already been deleted.

We are currently investigating a solution to remove any reappearing requests.

Flags error occurs on submissions containing fewer than 500 characters

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

Submitted documents must contain at least 500 characters to enable the Flags feature in the classic and new Similarity Report experience. We are investigating a bug that is caussing submissions that do not meet the 500-character requirement for generating a Flag report to incorrectly display a Flag icon in the assignment inbox. As a result, attempting to view the Flag report leads to an error message.

Workaround: If an error occurs when attempting to view a Flag report, please verify whether the submission meets the 500-character requirement. If the submission does not meet this threshold, the flag report can be disregarded.

Feedback Release Date field displayed to accounts where Grading tools are disabled

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

When grading and feedback is disabled for an account, a "Feedback Release Date" field is visible during assignment creation if left as default this will set to the creation date. Within the class homepage, the post date column will display the entered or default feedback release date. This date has no impact on your use of Turnitin and can be disregarded.

We’re looking to address the issue in an updated version of the product, however, we’re unable to provide an ETA for the release.

Translated Matching report does not download in the new Similarity Report

Turnitin license(s): Originality Check

While viewing a Translated Matching report in the new Similarity Report experience, choosing the Download Similarity Report option downloads the non-Translated Matching version of the Similarity Report. We are investigating this issue.

Report generation messaging to students may not match assignment settings

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When an assignment is set not to generate a similarity report the information displayed to students within the assignment inbox may suggest to students that a report might be generated.

Unable to download Grade Report for an assignment

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

Instructors are currently unable to download Grade Reports for their assignments if a submission contains an equals symbol (=) in the title.

We are working to implement a resolution as soon as possible.

Paper pending deletion icon is not visible to the instructor

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When a deletion request is made for a paper residing in an expired class the pending deletion icon (trashcan and clock icon) is not visible to the instructor in the assignment inbox. Note: The account administrator view is unaffected and will still be able to see and action the request. We are investigating this issue.

Wrong date order displayed on class homepage in some non-English languages

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

On the class homepage, in the ‘Uploaded’ column, dates are being displayed in DAY-MONTH-YEAR order instead of the correct YEAR-MONTH-DAY order for users with the following languages set: Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, or Japanese. We are investigating this issue.

Incorrect error handling for paper deletion requests

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We are currently investigating an issue which is affecting error handling for users that have the 'Submit paper to:' option for their assignments set to ‘Do not store the submitted papers’.

When this setting is selected, and the user chooses 'Request permanent deletion' next to a submission and follows the deletion request workflow, no error handling occurs, and the expected modal window informing the user that the deletion request cannot be completed does not appear.

PDF downloads for the new Similarity Report are not yet available in some languages

Turnitin license(s): Originality Check

We are currently investigating an issue which is affecting the new Similarity Report view. This issue is causing the PDF download to be unavailable in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Arabic while in the new Similarity Report view.

Workaround: Translated PDF downloads in the classic Similarity Report remain unchanged. Administrators can ensure instructors have the ability to switch between the new and classic Similarity Report (options are in account settings).

Unable to open Similairty Reports from the student portfolio or Gradebook

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We are aware of a reported issue whereby instructors are unable to open Similarity Reports from the student portfolio or Gradebook view

Our development team is at this time exploring a potential fix to address the issue

Workaround: In the meantime, instructors can continue to access Similarity Reports from the assignment inbox.

Log in prompts while grading in iOS app

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

Instructors may encounter issues accessing and grading submissions on the Turnitin iOS app if they were submitted using an integrated learning management system (LMS)

Despite successfully accessing submissions through integrated iOS links, instructors may encounter a situation where they are prompted to log in again

This could lead to the loss of their grading progress

Workaround: Reinstalling the app should resolve the issue.

Unable to view Similarity Report

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Some instructors and students might receive the following error message “Your Session Has Expired

The request failed because of a server error” displayed when accessing the Similarity report

We are currently investigating a resolution to this issue

Workaround: Workaround- While we investigate the cause of the error, resubmitting the document will generate a new Similarity Report which should be accessible. Students can resubmit ifit has been enabled in the assignment settings, otherwise instructors can resubmit on behalf of students. If a record is required of the original submission date and time, we recommend downloading a copy of the digital receipt before resubmission.

Assignments missing from the assignment library

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

The Assignment Library is not displaying or importing assignments created after March 5th

New master class assignments being numbered as 0

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We are aware of an issue where newly created assignments within master classes are being incorrectly numbered as 0 in the assignment list

This issue will have no affect on the performance of your assignments

New Similarity Report experience - Small matches assignment setting does not affect new view

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Adjustments made to the small match exclusion threshold in the assignment settings are not reflected in the new report for submissions to that assignment

Additionally, the new report experience does not accommodate a percentage threshold for small matches at this time

You can still set a threshold by word count

Note that when switching between the classic and new report experience, changes to filters and settings are saved in the version they are applied and do not transfer between the different versions

Workaround: When small match exclusions are made in assignment settings, or when a percentage threshold is preferred, use the classic report to view submissions to that assignment.

New Similarity Report experience - TFS with Originality users unable to access Submission Details

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

TFS with Originality users are not currently seeing Submission Details in the new Similarity Report experience

Workaround: Access Document Details in the classic report while we fix this bug.

Recent submissions are not displaying in the IOS app

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

Documents submitted after August 18th cannot be viewed using the Turnitin iOS app

The assignment inbox may instead display a message stating "This document is currently unavailable"

Workaround: Please access Turnitin via our

No active assignments when using IOS app

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

Existing classes that our accessed via Turnitin's IOS app are occasionally displaying a message indicating that there are no active assignments

Workaround: While we are investigating this issue, if your assignments are not appearing within the IOS app we recommend accessing your classes via our

Adding QuickMarks after deleting a QuickMark may be unsuccessful

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

If an instructor deletes a QuickMark from a submission, they may be unable to add another QuickMark to the page immediately

When a QuickMark is deleted, a message appears at the top of the submission stating "Comment has been deleted with the option to undo the deletion."

It may not be possible to add another QuickMark while this message is displayed

Workaround: Either select "Undo" to return the deleted QuickMark to the same location or select anywhere on the page to resolve the message and continue with your grading.

Internal submission release data may be inaccurate

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

The submission release setting, which is enabled in the institutional account settings, allows instructors to view the full submission of a matching paper within their institution without submitting a Paper View Request

We have discovered a bug where theclass nameanddate of submissionfor the matching paper may be inaccurate

The actual match details shown are unaffected

Voice comments sound distorted in playback on certain browsers

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We are currently investigating an issue causing distortion to voice comment replay while using certain browsers to view submissions

This issue occurs on the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

Workaround: Voice comments work as expected while using Firefox and Safari. We recommend using one of these two browsers to access Turnitin until the issue is resolved.

iOS app crashing intermittently upon launch on iOS 15 and 16

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

We are currently investigating an issue causing the Turnitin iOS app to crash intermittently upon launch on iOS 15 and iOS 16

Bubble comments are duplicated when assigned to criterion and converted to QuickMarks

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Within the Viewer, some users may notice duplicate comments in their rubric after assigning a bubble comment to criterion and then converting it to a QuickMark

These unintended duplicate comments cannot be deleted

Shibboleth logins change the account language to English

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When logging in using Shibboleth, the language value of the account isn't passed correctly, resulting in all accounts switching to English when they attempt to log in

Workaround: After logging in via Shibboleth, use the language switcher to move to the language you'd like to use.

Late submission submissions are included in distributed PeerMark

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When late submissions are allowed in the primary assignment, these papers are still distibuted to students even when users have chosen to not allow late assignments in the PeerMark assignment

They should be excluded from the papers available to be distributed

Discussions boards are not accessible in some scenarios

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When a student is enrolled on a course where discussion boards are disabled, it will be disabled for them in any course they try to access

Anonymous marking exports may timeout

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When a large number of submissions are selected to download in an anonymous marking assignment, the bulk download may timeout before the file can be downloaded

We're actively exploring a solution to this problem

Workaround: Selecting fewer submissions to download at anyone time should ensure that the files can be exported successfully.

Chinese submissions may show the '20 words of text' warning

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When submitting to Turnitin, submissions must be 20 words or more to ensure we can successfully generate a Similarity Report

For some Chinese language submissions, this word count is erroneously being flagged as being under 20 words when more have been used

This problem exists for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified submissions

Workaround: Choosing to 'Accept any File Type' when creating an assignment will ensure that we can accept the file, a Similarity Report will be generated, and the correct word count will be shown.

Email clients haven't updated Turnitin's IP addresses

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Turnitin recently updated the servers that send our system emails

System email include welcome emails and digital receipts

Some email clients may experience a short period where they learn to 'trust' that the emails are sent from a legitimate IP address

Turnitin's email IP addresses 156 70 24 112 156 70 24 110

Workaround: Email administrators for your institution can manually add our IP addresses to your trusted list. For Microsoft email Exchanges, you can add the IP addresses to theIP Allow List.

Difficulty processing Microsoft files created in Windows

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Microsoft files generated using Windows, including doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pptx, ppt, ppsx, and pps files, can occasionally fail to process when uploaded to Turnitin.

Files created using other operating systems are unaffected.

Workaround: Convert your file to a PDF before attempting to upload it to Turnitin. This ensures it is in a format we can process gracefully and without any problems.

Error when changing the administration account to another user if their email is capitalized

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

It has been discovered that if an administrator attempts to transfer the administrative account to another user, they will be unable to do so if the email address provided is capitalized.

To ensure the successful transfer of the administrator account, please ensure the new email address entered is fully in lower case characters.

This does not affect adding instructors or students to an account

Bulk download producing an empty zip file

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have received reports that particularly large bulk submission downloads will produce an empty zip file as opposed to providing one containing the submissions from the assignment

We are currently investigating this issue

Workaround: If you are experiencing issues with the bulk download feature of an assignment inbox, submission may still be downloaded individually.

PeerMark assignment information displaying base assignment settings to students

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

When a student hovers over the (i) icon to view information on their PeerMark assignment, they will be shown all relevant information as well as information from their base assignment. This could include details on resubmissions, late submissions, and similarity score settings which would not apply to their peer reviews.

Multiple PeerMark reviews by student

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

In the event a student has completed more than two peer reviews, some instances have been reported that only the first review is displayed and freezing occurs when the instructor attempts to use the navigation arrows

Workaround: The freezing isn’t constant. A little perseverance and you should be able to access the reviews while we work on a fix for the cause of the freezing.

Active layers disappearing from view when loading another layer

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

On a small number of papers, the similarity layer can occasionally disappear when loading a different layer

This tends to be caused by the layer not fully loading when the paper has opened

Until a fix is applied, please be patient when loading Feedback Studio for the first time if you encounter this problem

E-rater not processing all submissions when there is a low character count

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When there is a small character count in a submission, it can cause an e-rater to fail to process

Users may see the error 'e-rater cannot process this paper'


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