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Turnitin release notes

On this page, review any information or notes related to our most-recent releases, including Turnitin Feedback Studio, Originality Check, Similarity, and SimCheck.

2025 release notes

January 2025

2025 January 1

ETS e-Rater removed from all Turnitin products

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check plus

Educational Testing Services (ETS) will no longer be supporting their e-rater grammar service in 2025. As a result, Turnitin has removed e-rater from all of its products.

Please note that any ETS feedback previously generated before e-rater was removed will still be accessible within the Similarity Report. However, if a new report is generated, the feedback will be removed, and it won't be possible to retrieve it.

In the absence of grammar checking provided via e-rater, we recommend using Turnitin Draft Coach to provide grammar checks for students while drafting in Microsoft Word on the Web or Google Docs. If you are interested in using Draft Coach, please reach out to your account manager.


2024 release notes

December 2024

2024 December 18

Accessibility update - Keyboard navigation

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have made an accessibility improvement for uploading submissions to the Feedback Studio assignment inbox. This improvement should make it easier to navigate the page using a keyboard.

November 2024

2024 November 26

Bulk download user list

Turnitin license(s): Turnitin Similarity, SimCheck

Administrators are able to download a .csv file of their account’s user list.

This functionality is available from the User area of your account. Select the user list you want to download from the side menu (Active, Pending, or Deactivated) and then select the Bulk Download button to download the list as a .csv file.


2024 November 21

New PDF version of the new, enhanced Similarity Report

Turnitin license(s): Turnitin Feedback Studio, Turnitin Similarity, Turnitin Originality Check

We have released a new PDF version of the new, enhanced Similarity Report. Select the download icon at the top of the report and then select Similarity Report to download the PDF. The report will download directly to your device.



A notification will appear to let you know when your report has downloaded.

The new PDF report

This new PDF report contains three sections.

Cover Page

The first section is the Cover Page. This contains the title of the submission, the author name, and the Document Details of the submission. These details include:

  • Submission ID
  • Submission Date
  • Download Date
  • File Name
  • File Size

It also contains a breakdown of the pages, words, and characters of the submission.

The page number refers to the amount of pages of the submission not including the Cover Page and the Integrity Overview.

Integrity Overview

The second section is the Integrity Overview. Split over multiple pages, the first page contains the overall similarity of the submission along with details of match groups, a breakdown of the types of source making up the top sources , and any integrity flags found. The pages beyond that contain a list of all the top sources and the % of similarity found for them in the submission.


The rest of the PDF contains the submission. The similarity highlighting will be present on the submission text and can be cross referenced to the sources in the Integrity Overview section.

2024 November 14

Bug fix - QuickMark and comment visibility issues

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

We have resolved an issue within grading and feedback that was affecting the visibility of QuickMarks and comments.

Instructors could not access the description field of their QuickMarks. Students were also unable to see any comments on their submission that have been left by their instructor.

September 2024

2024 September 12

New AI detection writing detection capabilities for Spanish submissions

English Spanish

Turnitin license(s): Turnitin Feedback Studio, Turnitin Similarity, Turnitin Originality Check

Turnitin is excited to release its AI writing detection capabilities in Spanish to help educators uphold academic integrity for Spanish language submissions.

When AI writing is enabled by administrators, submissions written in Spanish can now be processed for likely AI-generated text. Once submitted, an AI writing report is generated for instructors to review. Any previously submitted assignments can be checked with our AI writing detector when they are re-submitted to Turnitin and you have AI writing enabled for your account.

Please note our Spanish AI writing model is a separate model from our English AI writing model. Turnitin’s Spanish AI writing detection capabilities have been trained with Spanish language writing and trained to detect text likely generated with GPT-3.5 (turbo released 2023-11-06) and GPT-4 (released 2023-06-13) large language models. As our Spanish and English AI detection capabilities differ, please read more about how our Spanish AI detection capabilities work.

The Spanish AI writing report is built into our existing Similarity Report experience. Access the AI writing report from the top menu by selecting the AI Writing tab, which contains the overall percentage of text detected as likely AI.

After you access the report, you’ll find the following features in the Submission Breakdown:

Overall percentage detected as AI
The overall percentage detected as AI indicates the qualifying text (prose sentences contained in a long-form writing format) within the submitted document that Turnitin’s AI writing detection model determines could be generated by AI.

The overall percentage of text detected as AI-generated is detailed in the Submission Breakdown:
AI-generated only - This category detects qualifying text that was likely generated from a Large Language Model (LLM). Text of this category is highlighted in a cyan color in the submission breakdown bar and in the submission.

Interactive submission breakdown bar
The submission breakdown bar provides a visual overview of where an AI Large Language Model has been detected within the individual pages of a submission. The bar is interactive and allows you to select each color highlight to bring the corresponding text and page of the submission into focus.

Scores below 20% are not surfaced
False positives (incorrectly flagging human-written text as AI-generated) are a possibility in AI models. To avoid potential incidence of false positives, no score or highlights are attributed for AI detection scores in the 1% to 19% range. When AI is detected below the 20% threshold in the report, it is indicated with an asterisk (*%) and no percentage is attributed.

Our AI writing assessment is designed to help educators identify text that might be prepared by a generative AI tool. Our AI writing assessment may not always be accurate (it may misidentify writing that is likely human generated as AI generated and likely AI generated as human generated) so it should not be used as the sole basis for adverse actions against a student. It takes further scrutiny and human judgment in conjunction with an organization's application of its specific academic policies to determine whether any academic misconduct has occurred.

2024 September 12

New Similarity Report: The side panel can now be hidden for more focus on the document

Turnitin license(s): Originality Check

Selecting the arrow icon just to the left of the side panel will hide it from view. Select the arrow icon again, which will be pointing in the reverse direction, to show the side panel.

New Sim Report_Hide side panel.png

2024 September 10

New security measures for sensitive information changes

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

In order to protect you and your institution's data, Turnitin has updated the workflow in which user information can be edited. Any changes you make to your email address and/or password will need to be confirmed via an email link.

Email links will expire after 1 hour.

August 2024

2024 August 8

Digital receipts for the new inbox

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Users accessing Turnitin through their browser will now receive a digital receipt when submitting through the new inbox experience.

2024 August 8

Automatic upgrade to new, enhanced Similarity Report for all non-TFS accounts

Turnitin license(s): Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

All accounts (excluding Turnitin Feedback Studio) now have the new, enhanced Similarity Report view enabled. Administrators still have settings that allow them to disable the new report view for all users, or give instructors the choice to use either the classic report and new report views.

The new Similarity Report view is designed to provide an enhanced experience and improved accessibility, making it easier to interpret results. Updated features include:

  • New Match Groups feature makes it easier to interpret similarity matches in the report (English submissions only)
  • Report viewer remembers previous settings: the last viewed report mode becomes the default when reports are opened again using the same web browser on the same computer
  • A fully redesigned PDF download includes a cover page that lists the institution name, class, and assignment information
  • Document text is readable by a screen reader
  • Document text can be copied and pasted while viewing the report
  • Exclude individual text match instances from a report
  • Exclude matches to content repositories while viewing the report: student paper repository, internet, and publications
  • Exclude small matches by word count (only from the report)

New Sim Report Aug 2024.png

July 2024

2024 July 30

Updated password security measures

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

In order to protect you and your institution's data, Turnitin has released functionality to check passwords that are known to be insecure (e.g. exposed in a non-Turnitin data leak). Turnitin will identify these passwords when users try to log in and request a password reset to proceed.

We will also run these checks at the time of password creation and reset.

2024 July 30

We have fixed a formatting issue with our assignment inbox

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have released a fix for a formatting issue that was impacting the assignment inbox.

There have also been changes to the display of the inbox. The timestamp of the submission is now only visible when hovering over the submission date. Late submissions will still be highlighted red.

2024 July 23

Change to sort order of assignments in class view

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

There has been a change to the sort order of assignments in the class view. 

Previously, we had the assignment list sorted by the oldest assignment first by order created ascending from the top of the list, not by the oldest due date.

With this release, the assignment order has been changed by due date descending from the top of the list. If there is no due date, the assignment setup date will be used. In other words, the future/upcoming due date (or latest setup date) at the top of list then the oldest due date towards the bottom.

2024 July 23

We have released Paper to Digital for Turnitin website users

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio

Turnitin is excited to release Paper to Digital, a new add-on for Turnitin Feedback Studio users who use the Turnitin website. 

Paper to Digital is an application designed for educators that use paper-based assessments in their classrooms. After purchase, when the add-on is enabled by administrators, instructors will have access to a new assignment type, Handwritten Assignments. Selecting this assignment type will launch the Paper to Digital application where instructors will be able to scan and upload paper-based assessments with short-answer work. This assignment type is best used with the following question types: multiple choice, fill in the blank (with text and/or of math notation), and questions that contain open responses, diagrams, chemical equations and structures, or maps.

Once the instructor has uploaded the assignments, they will also complete their grading and feedback work from within the application. The application contains the record of student grades for the assignment and is also where students view their graded submissions.

When grading a Handwritten Assignment, instructors can utilize the following features for an improved and faster grading experience:

  • Automatic roster-matching - Once student work has been uploaded, Paper to Digital will detect students’ handwriting and automatically assign submissions to the correct student on the course roster.
  • AI-assisted answer grouping - For certain question types, Paper to Digital will find and cluster together all similar answers into Answer Groups for instructors to review and grade for each question. With Answer Groups, instructors grade them once and the grade will automatically apply to all students’ answers in the group.
  • Dynamic scoring and feedback - Instructors can create, edit, and grade with flexible scoring criteria (similar to rubrics) and feedback as they grade submissions. This allows for consistent and efficient grading.

Handwritten Assignments are available for the following languages: English, Turkish, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese, French, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Traditional Chinese.

2024 July 16

Interactive detection categories with AI paraphrasing, word count increase, and updated low score treatment

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio with Originality, Originality

Turnitin is excited to release new updates to our AI writing report, including a new visual design, detection categories with AI paraphrasing detection, and an increase to our maximum word count detection.

The AI writing report updates will apply to newly submitted files. To access the latest AI writing report on existing submissions, please resubmit the file to generate the updated report.

In this release, you’ll find the following updates: 

Improved report experience
The previous AI writing report score reflected the amount of likely AI generated text detected, even if it was likely modified by an AI paraphrasing tool or word spinner. In the updated report, the AI writing score is divided into two detection categories with submission highlights enabling a more granular review of AI tools used in the submission. The new submission breakdown bar provides a visual overview of the AI detection instances throughout the submission. 



Interactive detection categories
In the updated report, the AI writing score is divided into two detection categories, AI-generated only and AI-generated text that was AI-paraphrased. These categories provide more granularity into what AI capabilities were likely used and where, as well as their frequency within the submission. Selecting a category will bring the first highlight detected in the submission into focus.

AI-generated only
This category detects qualifying text that was likely generated from a Large Language Model (LLM). Text of this category is highlighted in a cyan color in the submission breakdown bar and in the submission highlights.  

AI-generated text that was AI-paraphrased
This category detects qualifying text that was likely AI-generated and then likely modified by an AI-paraphrasing tool or AI word spinner, such as Quillbot. Text of this category is highlighted in a purple color in the submission breakdown bar and in the submission highlights.

Interactive submission breakdown bar
Use the new submission breakdown bar for a visual overview of where an AI Large Language Model and AI-paraphrasing tools have been detected within the individual pages of a submission. The interactive bar allows you to select each highlight color to bring the corresponding text and page of the submission into focus. 

Increased maximum word count for detection
The AI writing report now supports submissions with up to 30,000 words of qualifying text.

Scores below 20% are no longer surfaced
False positives (incorrectly flagging human-written text as AI-generated) are a possibility in AI models. To avoid potential incidence of false positives, no score or highlights are attributed for AI detection scores in the 1% to 19% range. When AI is detected below the 20% threshold in the report, it is now indicated with an asterisk (*%) and no percentage is attributed. This change is reflected in new submissions only and will not retroactively apply to existing submissions. 

For more information and comprehensive guidance for these updates, check out our AI writing Report guidance, AI Detection FAQ, and our Academic resources for AI generated text.

Turnitin’s AI writing assessment is designed to help educators identify text that might be prepared by a generative AI tool. Our AI writing assessment may not always be accurate (it may misidentify writing that is likely AI generated as AI generated and AI paraphrased or likely AI generated and AI paraphrased writing as only AI generated) so it should not be used as the sole basis for adverse actions against a student. It takes further scrutiny and human judgment in conjunction with an organization's application of its specific academic policies to determine whether any academic misconduct has occurred.

June 2024

2024 June 6th

Updated instructor management for administrators

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have made improvements to the administrator’s instructor list page to streamline instructor management and provide insights into Turnitin usage within your institution.

A search bar has been provided to easily search for specific instructors, and a new class details view is available for each instructor.

To access the new instructor list, select the icon within the Instructors column, as the Instructor tab has been removed to accommodate the new workflow.

April 2024

2024 April 10th

New default view for the new, enhanced Similarity Report experience

Turnitin license(s): Similarity, SimCheck

Upon opening the new, enhanced Similarity Report experience, the default view for all users will now be the Match Groups view.

2024 April 9th

Turnitin website restriction settings for integration users

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have continued to work on our website restriction settings and administrators can now fully restrict user access of the Turnitin website to a "disabled" status if the account is integrated with a learning management system. When enabled, instructor and student users will be able to log into Turnitin using the website and view their account name, but can only view and interact with their account on their LMS.

March 2024

2024 March 27th

Quick Submit daily submission limit

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have introduced an initial limit of 100 Quick Submit submissions within a 24-hour period. This limit will not affect student submissions or submissions made on behalf of students by their instructors. 

2024 March 19th

Turnitin website view-only settings for integration users

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Administrators can now restrict user access of the Turnitin website to a "view only" status if the account is integrated with a learning management system. When enabled, instructor and student users will be able to log into Turnitin using the website and view their existing class, assignment, and submission details, but they will be unable to create, edit, or submit.

2024 March 6th

Turnitin assignment inbox enhancements

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have released an update to our web based assignment inbox for better management of assignments and student submissions. These changes are designed to streamline your workflow and lay the foundation for exciting enhancements in the future.


These changes include:

  • New search bar functionality

  • Dynamic flags column in the assignment inbox

  • Automated paper deletion workflow

  • Streamlined PeerMark assignment setup

  • OneDrive submissions now supported

February 2024

2024 February 13th

AI writing statistics

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio with Originality, Originality

We have released AI Writing statistics to the Statistics page in the administrator area of Turnitin. AI Writing statistics are only available for accounts that have the AI Writing feature as part of their license type and the feature enabled by the account administrator.


When enabled, the AI Writing chart is visible at the top of the page. This chart is a visual representation of AI Writing scores found for documents submitted to the account during the specified date.

January 2024

2024 January 23rd

Approved paper deletions cannot be recovered

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Once an administrator approves a paper deletion request from an instructor, the submission is immediately deleted and removed from our database and the assignment inbox. Once deleted, the submission can no longer be recovered by the administrator or our Technical Support team.

2024 January 1st

AI preview ended and settings update

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check, Similarity

Preview access to AI writing detection has ended as of December 31, 2023. Access to this capability is only available to customers that license Turnitin Originality. 

For customers who have the Turnitin Originality add-on, the AI writing detection setting is now controlled by the top-level parent account. Disabling the setting from the top-level account will disable AI writing access for all associated sub-accounts. When enabled at the top-level, sub-accounts can enable or disable the setting as needed.

Visit our release notes archive for release information from 2023.

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