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Integrations known issues

We hope that your time with Turnitin is without any problems, but occasionally something might happen that you were not expecting. If your problem appears on the list, we're aware of the problem and currently looking into it.

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LTI Known Issues

Translated Matching report does not download in the new Similarity Report

Integration version(s): All LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

While viewing a Translated Matching report in the new Similarity Report experience, choosing the Download Similarity Report option downloads the non-Translated Matching version of the Similarity Report. We are investigating this issue.

Report generation messaging to students may not match assignment settings

Integration version(s): All LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When an assignment is set not to generate a similarity report the information displayed to students within the assignment inbox may suggest to students that a report might be generated.

Unable to download Grade Report for an assignment

Integration version(s): All LTI 1.3

Instructors are currently unable to download Grade Reports for their assignments if a submission contains an equals symbol (=) in the title.

We are working to implement a resolution as soon as possible.

Rubric scores are not displaying in the Learning Analytics dashboard as expected

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

We are currently investigating an issue preventing custom rubric scores from displaying in the numeric scoring table in the Learning Analytics dashboard. The rubric scores are accessible via the Qualititative score report.

Workaround: Use the Qualitative score report to view custom rubric scores.

PDF downloads for the new Similarity Report are not yet available in some languages

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

We are currently investigating an issue which is affecting the new Similarity Report view. This issue is causing the PDF download to be unavailable in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Arabic while in the new Similarity Report view.

Workaround: Translated PDF downloads in the classic Similarity Report remain unchanged. Administrators can ensure instructors have the ability to switch between the new and classic Similarity Report (options are in account settings).

Some users are unable to submit via Google Drive

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Some users may not be able to select and upload files from their Google Drive account to submit to Turnitin via LTI integrations. We are investigating this issue.

Workaround: Users can download files from their Google Drive to their computer, then upload to Turnitin as a file submission.

Anonymous marking setting not being copied in LTI Assignment Copy tool

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

At the moment, with the LTI Assignment Copy tool, we are not copying across the anonymous marking setting if the due date for the previous assignment has already passed. We are currently investigating this issue.

"Save these settings for future use" option is not working as expected

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We’ve identified an issue where the "Save these settings for future use" checkbox within the "Optional Settings" does not work as intended. The settings you choose at the time of assignment creation will be applied to your assignment, but future assignments will be created with the default assignment settings. We are currently investigating this issue.

Paper deletion requests categorized as "Other" do not send along the free text content attached to the request

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When users submit a permanent deletion request with the "Other" option as a reason, the user must input additional text to elaborate. In LTI integrations, this free text is not viewable by the admin that receives the deletion request; instead they just see the word "Other". We are currently investigating this issue.

Selecting any "Received Review" in PeerMark always displays the first review

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We are currently investigating an issue that occurs across LTI PeerMark assignments. When an instructor selects a PeerMark review from the "Received Reviews" page, the first listed review will always open, instead of the review that has been selected.

Voice comments sound distorted in playback on certain browsers

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We are currently investigating an issue causing distortion to voice comment replay while using certain browsers to view submissions. This issue occurs on the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Workaround: Voice comments work as expected while using Firefox and Safari. We recommend using one of these two browsers to access Turnitin until the issue is resolved.

Some assignment settings do not apply when enabled

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

We have identified an issue where new assignment settings do not overwrite settings previously saved as default. If an assignment has been created without saving the settings for future use, any future edits will be correctly applied. The settings fields impacted by this issue are: "Compare against", "Attach a rubric", and "Exclude small sources".

Student resubmission date and time does not update in LMS

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When a student resubmits an assignment, the assignment submission date and time in the LMS remains the same as the original submission. This date, however, reflects accurately in the LTI Assignment Inbox. We are actively investigating this issue.

Workaround: To apply the settings correctly, select "Save these settings for future use" on the optional assignment settings page.

QuickMark comment field is not visible until you’ve interacted with it

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Leaving comments on a QuickMark is a powerful way of giving students tailored feedback on areas where you feel like they need to improve. However, you have to know to click into the QuickMark for this comment field to appear. We’re actively investigating a better way of making it clear that this functionality is available to you.

Workaround: Interacting with the QuickMark will make the comment box visually identifiable. This can be as simple as hovering over the expanded QuickMark.

When downloading the current view of a submission, the PDF may include more highlighting than is shown in the Turnitin viewer

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Some accounts may experience additional highlighting in a downloaded PDF compared to their current view of the document in the Turnitin viewer. Our team is investigating the issue.

Workaround: Instructors can use the "Print" option to save the document as a PDF or download a text-only version of the report.

Rounding discrepancy when passing grades

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When a grade is passed from Turnitin to an LMS, the grade can sometimes be incorrectly rounded, causing it to display as either 0.00001 more or less of the intended grade.

Duplicated text boxes created in Microsoft Word may be incorrectly flagged as containing hidden text

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

Due to how Microsoft duplicates text boxes, the old copy can still be detected even when replaced with new writing. This can cause our system to pick up on this and incorrectly flag it as an attempt to hide text within the document. As always with Academic Integrity issues, we'd recommend investigating all Flags equally before making a judgement on if an intentional attempt to subvert the similarity detection of a report has occurred.

Workaround: Creating a new text box instead of duplicating an old one will prevent this issue.

Smart Quotes can cause text to not be excluded in some languages

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

Turnitin supports a variety of quotation styles, however we've discovered that smart quotes can cause some issues when used in certain languages that makes them behave in non-standard ways.

Workaround: When excluding quotes is important, we'd recommend using a different type of quotation until this issue has been resolved.

Students can't resubmit PeerMark reviews

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Resubmissions of peer reviews should be possible in a PeerMark assignment up to the assignment's due date. However, the option to use this functionality is no longer showing. We are actively investigating this issue.

Chinese submissions may show the "20 words of text" warning

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

When submitting to Turnitin, submissions must be 20 words or more to ensure we can successfully generate a Similarity Report. For some Chinese language submissions, this word count is erroneously being flagged as being under 20 words when more have been used. This problem exists for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified submissions.

Workaround: Choosing to "Accept any File Type" when creating an assignment will ensure that we can accept the file, a Similarity Report will be generated, and the correct word count will be shown.

Email clients haven't updated Turnitin's IP addresses

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

Turnitin recently updated the servers that send our system emails. System email include welcome emails and digital receipts. Some email clients may experience a short period where they learn to 'trust' that the emails are sent from a legitimate IP address.

Workaround: Email administrators for your institution can manually add our IP addresses to your trusted list. For Microsoft email exchanges, you can add the IP addresses to the IP Allow List.

Turnitin's email IP addresses:,

Difficulty processing Microsoft files created in Windows

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

Microsoft files generated using Windows, including .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pptx, .ppt, .ppsx, and .pps files, can occasionally fail to process when uploaded to Turnitin. Files created using other operating systems are unaffected.

Workaround: Convert your file to a PDF before attempting to upload it to Turnitin. This ensures it is in a format we can process gracefully and without any problems

Assignment setting dropdown menus not displaying arrows

Integration version(s): LTI 1.3

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

Users of the Firefox browser may find that the arrows depicting a dropdown menu will not appear in the assignment settings. The setting can still be selected to reveal the multiple options however it is not very intuitive that these options exist without the arrows. While this issue is present when using Firefox, other browsers appear to be unaffected.

Email address changes are not reflected in Turnitin

Integration version(s): All

Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check

If a user changes the email address associated with their integrated account, this change will not be passed to Turnitin. Also, If the user is unlinked and then goes on to change their email address, a new Turnitin user account will be created making two separate users.

Workaround: Users can contact our Support team at the Turnitin help center and they will be able to assist with updating your account to the relevant email address.

Unable to expand the LTI assignment inbox into a new tab

Integration version(s): LTI 1.1

Turnitin license(s): Similarity, Simcheck

Selecting the "Expand in New Tab option" to view a larger version of your assignment inbox may result in an error. This error occurs for some web browsers and is dependent on the specific settings used.

Workaround: While we continue to investigate a solution for all supported browsers, we recommend using the Firefox browser with the "Enhanced Tracing Prevention" setting turned off.

Downloads of 100 pages or more are slow to download or don't download

Integration version(s): LTI 1.1

Turnitin license(s): Similarity, Simcheck

Downloads of 100 pages or more can be slow to process or not start at all. We're actively investigating a solution to this problem.

Continuously attempting to resubmit may cause the current file to be selected for another upload

Integration version(s): LTI 1.1

Turnitin license(s): Similarity, Simcheck

If a user were to repeatedly attempt resubmissions to their assignment at a fast pace, they may find that when they select "Resubmit" they are taken directly to the "Submit" page without having the option to upload a new file first. To avoid experiencing this error, we would ask users to wait until their similarity score has generated, look through their results and resubmit any changes.

Refreshing "Processing" submissions will display a 0% similarity score

Integration version(s): LTI 1.1

Turnitin license(s): Similarity, Simcheck

If a student were to refresh their assignment inbox while their Similarity Report is still "Processing," they will be presented with a possibly incorrect 0% similarity score. Instructors will be shown the correct similarity score in their Inbox view.

Assignment dates are not shown within the initial LTI Inbox launch

Integration version(s): LTI 1.1

Turnitin license(s): Similarity, Simcheck

When the LTI Inbox is launched, the due date and start date are populated with "Not Scheduled" as opposed to the set dates. Workaround- Although the dates are not shown after the inbox's initial launch, expanding the inbox into a new tab will show the dates as expected.




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