On this page, review any information related to our most-recent releases for Turnitin integrations including LTI 1.3, Blackboard, Canvas, D2L (Brightspace), Moodle, Microsoft Teams, Schoology, and more.
December 2024
2024 December 19
ETS e-rater settings removal
Integration version(s): Moodle Plagiarism Plugin (Moodle PP)
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check Plus
As we have now discontinued support for the ETS e-rater service, we have removed these settings from the plugin.
Moodle PP bug fix
Integration version(s): Moodle Plagiarism Plugin (Moodle PP)
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
We have resolved an issue that affected the order in which some submissions were being added to our repository, ensuring collusion checks are not ran out of order.
- Additional resources: N/A
- Shareable link for this release note
2024 December 18
Accessibility update - Keyboard navigation
Integration version(s): LTI 1.3
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
We have made an accessibility improvement for uploading submissions to the Feedback Studio assignment inbox. This improvement should make it easier to navigate the page using a keyboard.
- Additional resources: N/A
- Shareable link for this release note
2024 December 5
We've fixed some bugs in our Moodle Plagiarism Plugin
Integration version(s): Moodle Plagiarism Plugin (PP)
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
- Previously classes would be created in Turnitin for some Moodle assignments when the plagiarism plugin was disabled for those assignments. This has now been fixed.
- An issue with database formatting was causing course backup and deletion to fail for some users. This has now been resolved.
- Previously there was an issue which would cause quiz attempts to fail to open on Moodle versions 4.3+. This has now been resolved.
- Previously there was an issue with our cron task which would occasionally cause the server to run out of memory when sending a high number of submissions to Turnitin. This has now been resolved.
- Previously there was an issue which would cause some files flagged with errors to be stuck in the submission queue. This would eventually cause the queue to fill and prevent other submissions from being sent. This issue has now been fixed.
- We now fully support assignment of roles at the activity module level. Similarity scores should now appear as expected for participants locally assigned the role of Teacher or above.
- Previously there was an issue when a file over 100MB was attempted to be sent to Turnitin which would cause further submissions not to be sent. This issue has now been resolved and we now handle this error correctly.
- Previously document viewer links were not being displayed correctly for forum submissions. This has now been resolved.
- Previously adding an image to a forum submission could cause the similarity score for that submission to fail to be displayed. This issue has now been resolved.
- The Database Export tab is now working as expected in Moodle versions 4.4+.
- Previously there was an error where a javascript module would be loaded incorrectly on the assignment settings page, causing an error 404 to display. This has now been fixed.
- Previously an error prevented detaching of rubrics from assignments. This has now been fixed.
- Previously the close button for the rubric modal window was not working. This now closes the window as expected.
- Additional resources: N/A
- Shareable link for this release note
November 2024
2024 November 27
Anonymous marking bug fix
Integration version(s): Moodle Integrity Plugin
Turnitin license(s): Similarity
Previously, if a student submitted with anonymous marking enabled for the assignment, their email would sometimes be visible when viewing the online similarity report. This has now been fixed.
- Additional resources: N/A
- Shareable link for this release note
October 2024
2024 October 15
The new Similarity Report is now switched on by default for students using Blackboard Ultra Assignment Integration
Integration version(s): Blackboard Ultra Assignment Integration
Starting today, students using Turnitin's Blackboard Ultra Assignment Integration will see the new Similarity Report view when viewing their assignments. Instructors already have this report view by default.
The new Similarity Report view is designed to provide an enhanced experience and improved accessibility, making it easier to interpret results. Updated features include:
- New Match Groups feature makes it easier to interpret similarity matches in the report (English submissions only)
- Report viewer remembers previous settings: the last viewed report mode becomes the default when reports are opened again using the same web browser on the same computer
- A fully redesigned PDF download includes a cover page that lists the institution name, class, and assignment information
- Document text is readable by a screen reader
- Document text can be copied and pasted while viewing the report
- Exclude individual text match instances from a report
- Exclude matches to content repositories while viewing the report: student paper repository, internet, and publications
- Exclude small matches by word count (only from the report)
- Additional resources:
- Shareable link for this release note
September 2024
2024 September 11
We've fixed some bugs in our Moodle Direct V2 plugin
Integration version(s): Moodle Direct V2
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio
- Some clients using PHP 8.1+ were receiving an error message when selecting the Database Export tab in Moodle. This has been resolved.
- We have made improvements to the Assignment Copy tool for clients moving from the Direct V2 plugin to LTI 1.3. As a result, all fields from Direct V2 assignments are now copying correctly into the corresponding assignment fields.
- For some users, when Anonymous Marking was enabled, an additional column was displaying the student’s first name. This has been fixed.
- Action needed: Update your plugin to apply these changes
- Shareable link to release note
2024 September 11
Turnitin's Microsoft Teams Feedback Studio integration is now available!
Integration version(s): Microsoft Teams Feedback Studio
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio
Turnitin is excited to release the Microsoft Teams Feedback Studio integration.
The new Feedback Studio integration offers the full Feedback Studio experience, including Turnitin grading and feedback, as well as an instructor report view and standard assignment-level settings to customize the report. More recently released Turnitin features are also available with this integration, such as assignment analytics, access to the new AI writing report, and instructor paper deletion requests.
View our administrator FAQ or our instructor FAQ to learn more.
- Additional resources
- Shareable link to this release note
August 2024
2024 August 01
We've made some bug fixes and improvements to Turnitin's Moodle Direct V2 Plugin
Integration version(s): Moodle Direct V2
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Previously, when a file was submitted that did not meet the requirements for processing by Turnitin, an icon image would be displayed incorrectly. This has now been fixed.
Previously when a Moodle Direct V2 assignment contained 2 or more Peermark assignments, there was an issue that stopped them from successfully opening. This has now been fixed.
Previously, when sorting submissions in the assignment inbox by first name, the order of the sorted items would be incorrect. This has now been resolved.
Previously there was a bug which would sometimes cause an error to be logged while creating a course. This has now been resolved.
In PHP 8.1+ there was previously a deprecation error shown when debug level was set to developer mode. We have now resolved this.
In PHP 8.1+ there was previously a deprecation warning that would be displayed during installation. This has now been resolved.
Previously there was an error when editing completion settings for activities in bulk that would prevent the page from loading. This has now been resolved.
Previously a warning was being shown when the strict typing option was enabled in PHP. This has now been resolved.
Previously when generating dummy lastnames for students for data privacy purposes, the process would fail if no last name was set. This has now been resolved.
Previously when a single part of a multi-part assignment had its max grade set to zero, an error would prevent the percentage grade from being calculated and an error message would be shown instead. This has now been resolved and grades are shown correctly.
Previously when deleting and later restoring a course, the course restoration would fail if the course end date had already passed. This was because the start date was being set to be after the end date. In cases where this would occur, we now set the end date to today, which allows the course to be restored correctly.
There was previously a bug in student enrollment that meant that sometimes suspended users were being enrolled on courses when they should have been skipped. This has now been resolved.
Previously we were missing a check for the file types of submissions. This meant that students could always submit files of any type, which would cause their submissions to become stuck in a pending state. This has now been resolved, and if the option is enabled, students can upload only files of supported types.
July 2024
2024 July 24
We've made improvements to Turnitin's Moodle Plagiarism Plugin
Integration version(s): Moodle Plagiarism Plugin
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
- In Moodle 4.3 and 4.4, Turnitin rubrics were not able to be attached for new Turnitin-enabled Moodle assignments. This has been resolved.
- In Turnitin-enabled Moodle assignments, when the student declined the EULA, they were not presented with the screen to upload their assignment to Moodle. Also, the second presentation of the EULA for student acceptance, which occurred after the student initially declined the EULA and then successfully updated their submission, was removed due to the confusion that this caused for the user. This has been resolved.
- In Turnitin-enabled Moodle assignments, when the user opened the report, it previously opened in multiple tabs. This has been resolved.
- In Turnitin-enabled Moodle assignments, the rubric was previously not able to be viewed by the students. This has been resolved.
- In Moodle, the user list provider was previously missing an error message in the plugin privacy compliance registry. This has been resolved.
2024 July 17
Paper to Digital: Users can now download grading results to a CSV file
Integration version(s): LTI 1.3
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Within the grading workflow of handwritten assignments, we’ve added the ability to download assignment data to a CSV file. This allows instructors to view and manipulate assignment data within a spreadsheet.
- Additional resources: Grading a Handwritten Assignment: Reviewing and Publishing Grades
- Shareable link for this release note
June 2024
2024 June 13th
Paper to Digital
Integration version(s): LTI 1.3
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Turnitin is excited to release Paper to Digital, a new add-on for our Turnitin Feedback Studio product.
This add-on is currently available for customers using Turnitin Feedback Studio with an LMS LTI 1.3 integration.
Paper to Digital is an application designed for educators that use paper-based assessments in their classrooms. After purchase, when the add-on is enabled by administrators, instructors will have access to a new assignment type, Handwritten Assignments. Selecting this assignment type will launch the Paper to Digital application where instructors will be able to scan and upload paper-based assessments with short-answer work. This assignment type is best used with the following question types: multiple choice, fill in the blank (with text and/or of math notation), and questions that contain open responses, diagrams, chemical equations and structures, or maps.
Once the instructor has uploaded the assignments, they will also complete their grading and feedback work from within the application. The application contains the record of student grades for the assignment and is also where students view their graded submissions.
When grading a Handwritten Assignment, instructors can utilize the following features for an improved and faster grading experience:
- Automatic roster-matching - Once student work has been uploaded, Paper to Digital will detect students’ handwriting and automatically assign submissions to the correct student on the course roster.
- AI-assisted answer grouping - For certain question types, Paper to Digital will find and cluster together all similar answers into Answer Groups for instructors to review and grade for each question. With Answer Groups, instructors grade them once and the grade will automatically apply to all students’ answers in the group.
- Dynamic scoring and feedback - Instructors can create, edit, and grade with flexible scoring criteria (similar to rubrics) and feedback as they grade submissions. This allows for consistent and efficient grading.
Handwritten Assignments are available for the following languages: English, Turkish, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese, and French.
- Additional resources: We have comprehensive guidance available to help customers learn more about this new assignment type. For administrators looking to enable Handwritten Assignments for their account, check out our guidance for enabling Handwritten Assignments. For instructors looking to understand how to use the Handwritten Assignment type, check out our instructor guidance for Handwritten Assignments. To understand how students review their submissions to the Handwritten Assignment type, check out our student guidance for Handwritten Assignments.
- Shareable link for this release note
May 2024
2024 May 29th
The Blackboard Learn Ultra Assignment workflow has been released
Integration version(s): Blackboard Learn Ultra Assignment
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Turnitin and Anthology are excited to announce the general availability release of the new Turnitin integration with the Blackboard Learn Ultra Assignment workflow. This integration is available as an additional workflow option to the existing LTI 1.3 external tool integration, and enables Ultra Assignments to be checked for similarity with Turnitin.
The integration is currently only available to institutions licensed with Turnitin Feedback Studio.
- Additional resources: How to set up and use the integration
- Shareable link for this release note
April 2024
2024 April 10th
Blackboard 'Paper Lookup Tool' is now available
Integration version(s): Blackboard LTI 1.3
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Turnitin is pleased to announce the release of our new Blackboard paper lookup tool.
This tool will allow instructors to:
- retrieve submissions from past assignments, including Basic and Direct Building Block and LTI assignments,
- retrieve reports generated for those submissions, including the Similarity Report, Grading Report, and a combination Similarity Report and Grading Report all within their Blackboard Learn environment, and
- access past submissions and associated reports from students who may have dropped the course or are inactive.
Additionally, for institutions that allow access for Blackboard admins to use the “Login As” option, this can be leveraged for admins to access past student submissions and associated reports made to a specific instructor’s course.
- Action required: Administrators can enable this tool by resyncing their LTI 1.3 registration.
Additional resources: Once enabled, instructors will be able to access the tool via Course Tools in Original course view and Books & Tools in Ultra course view.
Detailed instructions for how to use the tool are available in our paper lookup tool guidance - Shareable link for this release note
March 2024
2024 March 29th
The 'Export', 'Refresh', 'Download', and 'Bulk Download' buttons are now functioning as expected
Integration version(s): Moodle Direct V2
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
The export, individual submission refresh, download and bulk submission download buttons are now functioning as expected.
February 2024
2024 February 6th
Resolution of outstanding issues
Integration version(s): Moodle Direct V2
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
The anonymous marking reveal field is now required
An issue has been resolved with anonymous marking. Previously, when an instructor made a request to reveal a student’s name prior to the feedback release date, the required reason field for the early reveal was not actually being enforced. Instructors will now be required to fill in this field when deciding to reveal a student name early.
Summary content no longer displayed in two locations
In versions 4.0+ of Moodle, the assignment summary content was being displayed twice in two separate locations. This update removes the display of the summary content from the Moodle Direct V2 inbox. It is now only displayed just above the inbox.
Resolved issue with deprecated SOAP warnings
We have resolved an issue with deprecated SOAP warnings displaying in PHP 8+.
2024 February 5th
Resolution of outstanding issues
Integration version(s): Moodle Plagiarism Plugin
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Resolved issue with broken modals for Rubrics, PeerMark and QuickMarks
In the previous plugin release we resolved an issue with the EULA modal not launching for students. It has since been discovered that all modals in the plugin were affected by the same issue. This update resolves the issues that users have found with launching the PeerMark, Rubric, and QuickMark managers.
December 2023
2023 December 19th
EULA, Plugin, and Grading issues resolved
Integration version(s): Moodle Plagiarism Plugin
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Issue with EULA in Moodle 4.3 fixed
Previously there was an issue with students accepting the EULA in Moodle 4.3. This has now been resolved and students presented with the EULA should be able to successfully accept it.
Plugin issue resolved
There was an issue with our plugin that was preventing users from upgrading to Moodle 4.3 if they intended to use our Plagiarism Plugin. The plugin is now compatible with 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and will no longer show the deprecated warnings.
Grades are now being correctly rounded when passed back to Moodle from Turnitin
Previously when multiple submissions were made to an assignment the final grade was averaged by rounding down rather than up. This release now fixes this issue and the grade average should now round up.
November 2023
2023 November 14th
Grade resync feature
Integration version(s): LTI 1.3
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
We have added an option in the assignment inbox which allows users to Resync grade from the three-dots menu under Options. Users can select this option when a grade from the inbox does not appear in the LMS gradebook. Choosing this option will re-send the grade to the LMS gradebook.
- Additional resources: Using the Assignment Inbox in Feedback Studio with LTI 1.3
- Shareable link for this release note
2023 November 8th
Submission timestamps are no longer changed in Canvas when providing grades
Integration version(s): Canvas LTI 1.3
In Canvas LTI 1.3, the "Submitted" date displayed within Canvas should reflect the date and time that students submit to their Turnitin assignment, however previously when instructors graded the assignment, this was being updated to reflect the date and time at which the instructor graded the assignment. This is now working as expected.
2023 November 7th
The order of submissions in the assignment inbox now matches the order in which they appear in the Similarity Report navigation
Integration version(s): LTI 1.3
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Previously when instructors reordered submissions within the assignment inbox, that order would not reflect within the Similarity Report navigation. This has now been synchronized, so the order of submissions will match between the assignment inbox and the Similarity Report navigation.
October 2023
2023 October 30th
Out now: Assignment Copy
Assignment Copy is a feature in all LTI 1.3 integrations that makes it easier for instructors to copy assignment setups from previous courses for use in new courses.
To read more about this tool and how to use it, see our Using Assignment Copy guidance.
April 2023
2023 April 20th
Turnitin language settings are now syncing with Moodle environment
Integration version(s): Moodle Integrity Plugin
Turnitin license(s): Similarity, SimCheck
This release addresses an issue where the report viewer and the EULA pages were defaulting to English-only for most languages, even when the Turnitin account was set to a different language. This has now been fixed and the correct language should be displayed to match what is set.
- Action required: Update your plugin for these changes
- Shareable link for this release note
March 2023
2023 March 31st
EULA, Translated Matching, and Quiz issues resolved
Integration version(s): Moodle Plagiarism Plugin
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Students that have previously rejected the EULA can now resubmit
We have fixed an issue that was preventing students from being able to resubmit to Turnitin for an assignment where they had previously rejected the EULA. Now if a student accepts the EULA, they will be able to successfully resubmit to any assignments where they previously rejected the EULA.
Inbox now displays the highest score when Translated Matching is enabled
We have fixed an issue with the similarity score value in the Moodle Plagiarism Plugin inbox. Previously it wasn't updating with the highest score when Translated Matching was enabled, and instead the inbox continued to display the first score, even if it was the lower of the two.
Duplicate quiz responses are now handled separately
We have fixed an issue where if a student submitted the same response multiple times on a quiz, all duplicate responses would be linked to the same report, which would not allow them to be reviewed by an instructor as separate responses. Each response now generates a separate report.
2023 March 27th
Grade issues resolved
Integration version(s): Moodle Direct V2
Turnitin license(s): Feedback Studio, Originality Check
Percentage grades now display in the assignment inbox
We have fixed an issue for institutions using PHP 8+ which prevented the assignment inbox from loading when the assignment grade was set to display as a percentage.
Setting an assignment to grade type ‘none’ will no The PeerMark UI has been improved
We have fixed an issue with the PeerMark manager modal, which previously caused the '+' icon to appear cut off in the user interface.
Visit our release notes archive for release information from 2022-2021.